We learn the following thirteen lessons from watching Jesus care for the crowd of four thousand:

He goes into Gentile territory (Decapolis; Mark 7:31)
He welcomes and heals the needy (v 28-31a)
His actions lead to Gentiles glorifying God (v 31b)
He feels compassion (v 32)
He tests the disciples (v 33)
He shows them their inability (v 33-34)
He takes the initiative (v 35-36)
He takes the loaves and fish (v 36a)
He gives thanks for the little food (v 36b)
He involves the disciples (v 36c)
He satisfies the hunger of all 4,000 (v 37a, 38)
He provides seven baskets leftover (v 37b)
He dismisses the people (v 39)

Mark received a lot of help with this outline from Steve Lawson's very helpful message on the parallel account in Mark 8:1-9 with a similar structure here.

You can watch this message here.