Arif and James return to discuss the last-second victory over the Broncos. We go over the play difference between the two halves, how Zimmer handled the adjustments, and how on Earth the Vikings pull this off. A literal 1-100 victory!  Is this a team of destiny? Who won the wager - Arif or Eddie? And can he explain his take on turkey in only 60 seconds? ALSO we will be in Seattle on November 29th at Petoskeys bar for a Norse Code live taping! If you're in the Seattle area please come out and get into an argument with Arif in person! For more on Petoskeys you can visit their Facebook page:  And finally we are giving out swag to our newest donors! If you donate $3.50 or more to the show via Patreon you will receive some Vikings swag! To enter you can donate to the show at Arif - @Arifhasannfl James - @bigmono  Please send any questions or feedback to  or tweet to @norsecodeDN. If you like our show please donate to You can also become a sustaining member of the show at