It's clip show time! James, Arif, and Dusty (and various guests including our former intern Carson) are here to wish you a happy holidays with a wide variety of Norse Code goodness. We have Arif nearly getting into a fight over a Wentz take, Jay Cutler, Chocolate Rain, Cool Runnings, and a discussion about whether or not Avril Lavigne is alive.  No chavs were hurt in the recording of this show.  We will be back later in the week with a review of the Packers game and a preview of the Bears match up. Thanks for the support this year! We look forward to demanding excellence in 2018 as well.   Special thanks to Rhymesayers Entertainment and Atmosphere for the new theme song! Arif - @Arifhasannfl Dusty - @dustyoconnell James - @bigmono If you like our show please donate to You can also become a sustaining member of the show at MERCH! We are now selling stickers AND Arif's Training Camp guide at