The Star Wars Holiday Special crossover with The Cargo Bay - Episode 225: Ho, Ho, Ho and may the force be with you! It’s Life Day here on Normies Like Us and we’ve invited our special friends Adam and BC, hosts of The Cargo Bay podcast, to help us return to a Galaxy Far, Far Away as we cover CBS Presents The Star Wars Holiday Special!
The Cargo Bay:
Whip! Stir! Whip! Stir! Now we’re having fun!
Insta @NormiesLikeUs
@MikeHasInsta Special Guests: Adam Bennett and BC Ness.

The Star Wars Holiday Special crossover with The Cargo Bay - Episode 225: Ho, Ho, Ho and may the force be with you! It’s Life Day here on Normies Like Us and we’ve invited our special friends Adam and BC, hosts of The Cargo Bay podcast, to help us return to a Galaxy Far, Far Away as we cover CBS Presents The Star Wars Holiday Special!

The Cargo Bay:

Whip! Stir! Whip! Stir! Now we’re having fun!

Insta @Normies_Like_Us



Special Guests: Adam Bennett and BC Ness.