Friends, it's time to say goodbye to Thedas.

In our Dragon Age finale, we talk about Inquisition's final DLC: "Trespasser." Here we'll say goodbye to our friends in the Inquisition, stop a war with the Qunari, and find Solas and demand some answers.

We close out the show talking about the future of the Dragon Age series, if it's possible for Bioware to do right by the Inquisitor, and what are our overall feelings on the franchise heading into Dragon Age 4.

We'll also do some housekeeping about the future of Normandy FM in 2021, and maybe touch on that Mass Effect teaser at the end.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with us from the Blight to the Breach. We'll see you in 2021.

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Eric: @seamoosi
Kenneth: @shepardcdr

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Music by @3DBLAST4EVER on Twitter