Episode 82.  "... it's each individual person's duty in their life to fulfill on their purpose, and follow the path of their dharma and this is where the societal conditioning and all of those lies that we are set up with this notion of competition and all of this it totally takes us far away from what we're really supposed to be focusing on, our own true purpose, the path of dharma in life. And so this self discovery is the way that we discover and start living in alignment with our purpose and mission in life. Follow that path of dharma, which is the way to have abundance and fulfillment and freedom, true freedom in this life.” 
 Avadhi Dhruv is a spiritual business coach and an international bestselling author who helps heart-centered entrepreneurs reclaim the power in their businesses so they can create financial abundance and inner fulfillment, while making a positive impact in the world.

After having a successful corporate career in engineering and management, Avadhi still felt the urge to explore her higher purpose in life. In 2014, she decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey to connect with her inner genius and uncover the best way in which she was meant to serve the world.

Avadhi founded the brand, Avadhi.guru™, with the intention of bringing a holistic approach to business.

Her clients have included budding entrepreneurs to leaders of multi‐million dollar international businesses who have successfully made transformational changes in their businesses and lives.

Avadhi believes that every human has entrepreneurial potential, and every entrepreneur has an Inner Genius that deserves to be expressed so that business owners can have an abundant and fulfilling life.

A taste of Avadhi’s  genius:

 “… I realized that actually there's one thing there is no competition for, and that is being yourself, being your true self, the true authentic self. Because there's only one of you in the world, not only right now, but if you look at the entire history of the world and the future, there will never be another person with the unique experiences, background, skills, talents, everything that you are.”“A heart-centered entrepreneur, quite literally, is centered and connected with their heart and soul and passion and purpose in life. And their passion and purpose in life is what propels them to make a positive difference or a progressive impact in the world.”“We are all facing this problem of burnout and this book really goes into a lot of examples and actionable guidance to help people overcome that burnout and really connect with their true purpose so they can live a meaningful and rewarding life. At the end of this life feel like, “Yes, I lived it, I lived my life and I loved it fully.” “I even have a whole post on social media that says it's not your job to make other people's dreams come true. It is your responsibility to make your life and your dreams come true because those dreams and desires were planted in your heart for a reason.”

For more information about Avadhi, visit: Avadhi.guru

For more information about Avadhi's book, visit: https://www.avadhi.guru/book.html

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