Like everyone right now, no matter where you live, our everyday lives are not the same due to the tragic unfolding of events in Eretz Yisrael. Certainly, our brothers and sisters in Israel are facing the most formidable challenges. Those of us watching and davening from afar are challenged in different ways, but challenged nonetheless. Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael are constantly on our minds, as we try to get back to whatever our regular life and work looks like here in America. 

For this episode, we wanted to DMC with someone in Eretz Yisrael who can share with us her experiences, insight and chizuk about the current matzav. Those of us in chutz laaretz feel so far away, many are feeling helpless, but maybe this DMC will give us the opportunity to feel that closeness that we are longing for.

We speak with Dini Coopersmith of Maalot Dafna who shares with us what life has been like in Eretz Yisrael the past week and a half. Through this interview, we get a glimpse into the clarity, emunah and bitachon that is so characteristic of the special Jewish people living in the Holyland.

In this DMC we discuss:

Dini’s experiences when the sirens went of Shmini Atzeres morning

What life is like right now living through this war

The general feeling and morale in Israel currently

Dini’s connection to the communities in the South through her Women’s Reconnection Trips

How Dini is witnessing the unity of the Jewish people at this time

The feelings surrounding outside threats to Israel

Chizuk for those of us in Chutz La’aretz

We love to hear from you. You can find Deep Meaningful Conversations on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or you can email us at [email protected].

Show Notes:

Women’s Reconnection Trip


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