When Alex’s teenage daughter, Chana, told her that her friend Yitti listens to Normal Frum Women and is working on creating her own podcast, “Normal Frum Teenagers”, we knew we had the title for our next episode -- and we knew we needed Chana and Yitti on it, as well as Rivki’s niece, Esti. It was time to get the lowdown on what being a frum teenager is like in 2021.

In today’s episode we’ll be talking with these three “normal frum teenagers” (although maybe their siblings will beg to differ), Chana, Esti and Yitti. We’ll be talking to them about:

- The biggest challenge facing frum teenage girls today

- What they value about Yiddishkeit the most

- Something they would tell their 10-year-old self about the years to come

- How they envision themselves in 5 years

- Things they want adults and teachers to know

By the end of today’s episode we hope you’ll walk away feeling inspired by our talk with these three amazing teenage girls. We want to give them the spotlight and enlighten us with their experiences growing up as frum teenagers in 2021. They’re the next generation of frum wives, mothers and contributors to the world.

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We’d love to hear from you. You can find us on social media, or email us at [email protected]. And please send us your Takeaway mentioned in the episode!