
3:33AM. - A police barricade in the middle of the road

Is keeping me from getting home for an hour of sleep,

Before a shower and work again tomorrow.

A dead body in a car, feet dangling out the open door.

The blood is still dripping from one of the legs.

The police let me through eventually.

A piece of paper on the ground calls to my attention, a weird kind of poetry.

You meet the right woman and suddenly you can't eat

Can't sleep - you're losing weight and have no energy

The doctors tell you it's the insomnia, malnutrition and diabetes,

But you tell them it's true love


Download the episode here. 

Download Radio Norm Season 1: The Torrent


channelfourteen is @chFourteen on twitter

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but if you're oldschool, email 

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[email protected] 

music taken from http://audionautix.com 


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