Pat Harris, Democratic candidate for US Senate returns to NorCal News Now for his first video interview to talk about his hopes to get elected over current senator Dianne Feinstein. An accomplished lawyer at the heart of some of the most interesting cases of our era (including defending his then fiancée Susan McDougal twice in the Ken Starr investigation which lead to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton) hosts Mike and Aaron get Harris to talk about his experience in president-threatening scandals, what he thinks about the Robert Mueller/Russia investigation, President Donald Trump's legal maneuvering, as well as Michael Cohen's payments and strange actions surrounding the Stormy Daniels case. 

He also applies his predictions to the chances of a Democratic wave in the 2018 election, his thoughts on police brutality and a shooting in Los Angeles, as well as the time he argued an admitted priest murderer should go free... and won.

It's an interesting, surprising, very quick hour with one of NorCal News Now's favorite guests.


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They talk to Democrats, Republicans and third party candidates, activists, analysts and more. From local city council races to State Assembly, US Congress and Senate, they ask everyone the questions on all our minds.

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