Tulu Systems was able to launch and grow successfully during the pandemic by providing IoT solutions that save up to 25% of the cost of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in commercial buildings. Not only does this help the environment and the clients’ bottom line, it also gives overworked and overwhelmed technicians their  lives back.  […]

Tulu Systems was able to launch and grow successfully during the pandemic by providing IoT solutions that save up to 25% of the cost of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in commercial buildings. Not only does this help the environment and the clients’ bottom line, it also gives overworked and overwhelmed technicians their  lives back. 


Standardization of most things will benefit a large number of those affected, but anyone who does not fit in will be penalized. This applies to buildings as well as schoolchildren. Therefore, it is fitting that Britt Espinosa, a homeschooled son of entrepreneurial parents, chose to disrupt the commercial HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) industry. 

Diagnostics and maintenance of these systems has been prohibitively expensive due to exorbitant  labor costs. But Brett’s aha-moment came upon realizing that technicians were so overwhelmed they were unable to take holidays. 

Brett and his business partner designed a system of smart-sensors to detect possible energy savings and preventable failures, providing input and recommendations for commercial building operators and owners. Beyond saving money on mechanical and energy costs (owners save up to 20% of their HVAC costs), Tulu Systems’ solutions free up considerable time for their overworked technicians, leading to considerable additional savings and ultimately enabling them to keep more of their employees in times of crisis.

With the clients’ bottom line, the environment, and workers all being winners, Tulu Systems is clearly playing a non-zero sum game. 

Key Takeaways:

30-50% of the energy used to heat, ventilate and cool air goes to wasteautomation is a good thing because it frees up people’s time, who can do things they are passionate aboutby detecting a preventable equipment failure, repairs get considerably cheaper


Tulu Systems 

website: www.tulusystems.comon Twitter: https://twitter.com/tulusystems?lang=enon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tulusystems/

Britt Espinosa

on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittespinosa/

Sustainable Living Innovations: https://sli.co/

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