Working remotely can be just as immersive as being in the office physically, and much more productive. Bluescape has developed a tool that looks straight out of Minority Report but will not use AI to exploit your data. This kind of collaboration will require a mindset shift in how we look at teams and leadership.    […]

Working remotely can be just as immersive as being in the office physically, and much more productive. Bluescape has developed a tool that looks straight out of Minority Report but will not use AI to exploit your data. This kind of collaboration will require a mindset shift in how we look at teams and leadership.   


Remote work and distributed teams have become the new norm, and it is working so well that several companies are never going to go back to the office. There are countless communication and collaboration tools on the market, but not a lot of them can manage the entire workflow and, especially, collaboration on shared content. Bluescape is a comprehensive tool that can replace the entire tech stack of any company, from a startup to a billion-dollar film studio.

With clients like that, security and privacy are paramount. Founder Peter Jackson hopes that people understand that free tools are free because customer data is fed into AI systems, putting this privacy at risk. The decision to move away from these and into Bluescape is one that has to come from the top.

Transitioning an entire organization into remote collaboration requires a cultural shift as well. Managers need to trust their teams and, instead of checking if everybody clocks enough hours, set milestones, which can then be monitored through the system itself. But beyond getting the job done, great leaders also facilitate human connections and strengthen team spirit, in the virtual space as well as the physical. 


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Bluescape’s Website:

Daniel H. Pink: Drive on:

Key takeaways

Bluespace allows every participant to contribute, which is not the case in traditional meetingsTool sprawl is real, and it is hurting productivity and the onboarding of new employeesTechnologies are still chosen based on knee-jerk reactions instead of informed decisionsPeople are motivated by autonomy more than constant supervisionIn business, there is no individual success, and systems need to promote teamwork

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