Welcome to Nonprofit Luminaries, I'm you're host, Anibal Ruiz, today I get the privilege of sharing my conversation with Vu Le, author of Nonprofit AF and former executive director or Rainier Valley Corp.  Vu has a passion for making the world better by developing leaders of color, strengthening organizations led by communities of color, and fostering collaboration between diverse communities.

During this conversation Vu shares some important views on how we can make the nonprofit sector more equitable for the people we serve, especially for marginalized
populations, including how we approach funders and fundraising, leadership and

Vu's posts are a must read If you have any interest in how we can improve our nonprofit work.  You can find his writings at Nonprofitaf.com, as well as Facebook and Twitter.

In this conversation, Vu mentions a couple of his previous blog posts and books. If you're interested in reading those, check out the links below.

Please be sure to share this episode with anyone you think might be interested, you may not agree with everything said, but the conversation is an important one to have.

I hope you've enjoy this conversation and are inspired to be a stronger advocate for equity and justice.  Visit nonprofitluminaries.com and check out our previous episodes featuring great nonprofit organizations in the Puget Sound. 

Follow me on Social Media for up to date information.  You can find me on Facebook (@nonprofitluminaries), Instagram (@npluminaries), Twitter (@npluminaries),  and LinkedIn (@Nonprofit Luminaries)

Don't forget to tell a friend about the podcast and let's spread the word about the great work happening in our communities.

Blog posts and Books

Getting Rid of Grant Applications - blog post - https://nonprofitaf.com/2019/09/foundations-its-time-to-stop-using-grant-applications-to-distribute-funding/

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit - https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Healthy-Nonprofit-Strategies-without/dp/1119251117 By Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman

The Executive Director job is Impossible - https://rvcseattle.org/2018/02/executive-director-job-impossible/ By Ananda Valezuela

Star Trek and the Future of the Nonprofit Sector - https://nonprofitaf.com/2017/11/star-trek-and-the-future-of-the-nonprofit-sector/

Asperin and Democracy - https://ssir.org/articles/entry/aspirin_and_democracy By Jan Masaoka

Welcome to Nonprofit Luminaries, I’m you’re host, Anibal Ruiz, today I get the privilege of sharing my conversation with Vu Le, author of Nonprofit AF and former executive director or Rainier Valley Corp.  Vu has a passion for making the world better by developing leaders of color, strengthening organizations led by communities of color, and fostering collaboration between diverse communities.

During this conversation Vu shares some important views on how we can make the nonprofit sector more equitable for the people we serve, especially for marginalized

populations, including how we approach funders and fundraising, leadership and


Vu’s posts are a must read If you have any interest in how we can improve our nonprofit work.  You can find his writings at Nonprofitaf.com, as well as Facebook and Twitter.

In this conversation, Vu mentions a couple of his previous blog posts and books. If you’re interested in reading those, check out the links below.

Please be sure to share this episode with anyone you think might be interested, you may not agree with everything said, but the conversation is an important one to have.

I hope you’ve enjoy this conversation and are inspired to be a stronger advocate for equity and justice.  Visit nonprofitluminaries.com and check out our previous episodes featuring great nonprofit organizations in the Puget Sound. 

Follow me on Social Media for up to date information.  You can find me on Facebook (@nonprofitluminaries), Instagram (@npluminaries), Twitter (@npluminaries),  and LinkedIn (@Nonprofit Luminaries)

Don’t forget to tell a friend about the podcast and let’s spread the word about the great work happening in our communities.

Blog posts and Books

Getting Rid of Grant Applications – blog post – https://nonprofitaf.com/2019/09/foundations-its-time-to-stop-using-grant-applications-to-distribute-funding/

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit – https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Healthy-Nonprofit-Strategies-without/dp/1119251117 By Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman

The Executive Director job is Impossible – https://rvcseattle.org/2018/02/executive-director-job-impossible/ By Ananda Valezuela

Star Trek and the Future of the Nonprofit Sector – https://nonprofitaf.com/2017/11/star-trek-and-the-future-of-the-nonprofit-sector/

Asperin and Democracy – https://ssir.org/articles/entry/aspirin_and_democracy By Jan Masaoka

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