“Strong Like Water: How I Found the Courage to Lead with Love in Business and in Life,” by new author Laila Tarraf chronicles one woman’s painful struggle with emotional trauma. The eldest of three children of Lebanese immigrant parents, Tarraf takes on the dual role of mediator between a warring mother and father and bridge between two cultures and languages. Finally, in her forties, when life serves up the crushing loss of her husband and both parents in quick succession, Tarraf can no longer ignore her own powerful emotions.

In this “leader-sort of business book disguised as a memoir,” Tarraf tells her story with both brutal honesty and tender vulnerability. Her eventual transformation comes when

she learns to strengthen her heart while giving it “equal playing time” alongside her head. Connecting the two becomes the key to unlocking both personal and professional growth.


Taking on the hero, helper, or fixer persona Disconnecting Overachieving Becoming self-reliant prematurely Keeping relationships at a distance; lacking intimacy and trust Pretending to not need comfort and nurturing


“Overachieving is the probably the most acceptable and respectable coping mechanism there is.” “There was no room for pain in my world…I had to keep moving mentally, emotionally, and physically to avoid the inevitable hardships in life.” “I kept on pushing down my disappointment, one swallow at a time, until I actually forgot that I possessed the very basic need of wanting to be cared for by my parents—or anyone for that matter.” “We all need space to know how we feel.” “True power comes from connecting your head to your heart.” “When a leader shows vulnerability…[she] normalizes it for everyone around [her].”

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