In her book Passports and Pacifiers: Traveling the World, One Tantrum at a Time, Kaitlyn Jain, mother of four and a world traveler, shares her travel tips and family adventures. On every trip, Jain brings along her positive attitude and sense of humor while she and her husband balance careful planning with spontaneity. To afford their globetrotting, the Jains find deals and hone their parenting and packing skills. Part memoir, part guide Passports and Pacifiers is sure to inspire even the most reluctant parents to pack up the kids and go!


Meal-planning: take lots of snacks; realize peanut butter is considered a liquid and is not found in most other countries (“Every culture has something that’s bland…that the picky eater will eat.”) Sleeping: break up the day with scheduled naps; drive during naptime (“Parents lose forty-four days, or over a thousand hours, of sleep in in the first year of an infant’s life.”) Top priorities: budget is number one; packing what you need but not more than you can carry; having a flexible itinerary Packing: start a week in advance by using a list (always including a pair of pants, sturdy shoes, and a swimsuit); do laundry at least once on the trip; let older kids bring a backpack (one carry-on); minimize equipment Disciplining in public: remember kids have tantrums at home or abroad; welcome the kindness and help of strangers; don’t shame others


“As parents, we experience life again through the eyes of our children. Sometimes that may involve ghastly moments, but I have found that…more often, we get to relive the highlights.” “Travel exposes kids to so many intangible benefits—seeing and trying new things, expanding their perspective, learning compassion, and experiencing different cultures.” “Yes, sometimes there are tantrums and things don’t go according to plan…but, like raising kids, travel with them is rewarding. It is entertaining. It is memorable and awe-inspiring. I will take those occasional meltdowns for the opportunity to see my kids’ raw reactions….” “Not every baby likes to fly and not every kid will eat whatever they’re given. However, we find that when our kids get three essential things—sleep, food, and exercise—they tend to behave. Even while traveling.” “Pacifiers aren’t just the physical object a baby puts in her mouth to suckle. They are those things that soothe us, our comforts of home.”

BUY Passports and Pacifiers: Traveling the World, One Tantrum at a Time


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For 25 Essential Tips for Traveling with Kids, look at the Momondo blog.

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