A Mother’s Grace: Healing the World One Woman at a Time, by Michelle Moore, includes a collection of inspiring stories of a dozen everyday women who have transformed grief, crisis, and tragedy into an extraordinary passion to lift, love, and heal others. Linking arms with these contributing authors, Moore has formed the award-winning nonprofit Mother’s Grace, a consortium of women-led agencies that stand at-the-ready to offer families in crisis both financial and emotional support. True to the mission of Mother’s Grace, they strive to become an answer to the prayers of women in acute situations. Inspired by memories of her own mother’s grace, Moore continues to lead what was once a grass-roots effort holding garage sales. Today, Mother’s Grace is a powerful, $6-million organization making the world a safer, more hopeful, and more empathetic place.


What is grace?

The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor, a disposition to benefit or serve another. 

How can you find your passion?

Journaling Listening to yourself Taking one tiny step towards “that thing”

How can you help children learn to be giving?

Start them young Include them in your own giving Encourage them to take leadership positions Involve them in adventure philanthropy


“You don’t have to set the world on fire to make a difference; if you go to your grave making a difference in one family’s life or one friend’s life, that’s something to be thankful for because that’s why…we’re put on this life.” “There is grace in this endeavor we call life…it’s a journey of love and light and we all need to constantly renew our appreciation for life.” “Each of the women in this book [is] a force to be reckoned with, a sterling example of resilience, and a beautiful, shining example of turning extreme loss and heartache into something positive, generous, and spiritually healthy.”

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Mother’s Grace - dedicated to the support of mothers and children who have endured life tragedies. By providing financial support and guidance, Mother’s Grace empowers these women to reach their goals of making a difference in their communities by helping others inflicted with similar circumstances. NotMYkid – a nonprofit organization that provides children and families with truly lifesaving programs, support, resources, and education with a mission to empower and educate youth, families, and communities with the knowledge and courage to identify and prevent negative youth behavior Eric’s House - a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing integrative grief care to people who have suddenly lost someone they love, with a specialization in suicide and substance-related losses For the Love of Conor - supports organizations that promote the prevention of substance abuse and promote positive life choices for youth and young adults TAPS – provides comfort, care, and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one

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