Author Flynn Coleman, attorney-at-law long interested in the intersection of human rights and technology, brings us A Human Algorithm: How Artificial Intelligence is Redefining Who We Are. She examines the immense impact intelligent technology has and will have on humanity. These machines, while challenging our personal beliefs and our socio-economic world order, also have the potential to transform our health and well-being, alleviate poverty and suffering, and reveal the mysteries of intelligence and consciousness. In essence, Coleman explores what it means to be human. Because technology is developing so quickly, we have much less time than we once did to assimilate the technologies bringing us artificial intelligence (A.I.). So, Coleman argues that it is critical we instill values, ethics, and morals into our robots and other forms of A.I. to create a human algorithm.


The A.I. Effect – the point reached when we’ve integrated A.I. into our lives so much that we no longer want to call it A.I. (e.g., Google) Machine Learning – often used synonymously with A.I.; study of algorithms and models used to perform certain tasks on a computer Exceptionalism and other-ism – detrimental thinking that some lives matter less than others Encoding empathy, equality, fairness – an urgent prerequisite to A.I. design. For example, coders need to think of how their tools are affecting humans. Future data privacy – transparency and accountability will be key in developing new paradigms Nonhumans deserving rights and needing responsibility – rivers, ecosystems, self-driving cars, corporations, etc.


“We need to be more inclusive in bringing more diverse voices and ideas and working across silos and having 'courageous conversations’ about not just how to build the technology but building it for good.” “Technology is advancing inexorably, and our best course of action is to embrace it and to insist that it be designed with integrity. I don’t know if we will ever move past fear, but we can understand that we all have a stake and can build a brighter future.” “Optimism and hope are a rebellion in these times…No one of us has all the answers, but, together, there’s no star we can’t dream of exploring.” “Technology is a mirror of its designers.” “We should bestow dignity, rights, and esteem on nonhuman beings. Becoming more inclusive involves widening our lens to say, ‘We’re not the only ones that matter.’ But that doesn’t make us matter any less.” “When we don’t pay to use a platform online, we are the product! Our data is being collected and used and bought and sold. As the saying goes, ‘Data is the new oil.’” “It’s imperative we develop tools with the future of our children and planet in mind.”

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