In his first book, Yeoman Warder Christopher Skaife shares his unique role as The Ravenmaster: My Life with the Ravens at the Tower of London. Upholding traditions that have stood for centuries includes keeping and protecting six (or more) ravens on the grounds of the Tower. Each year, millions of tourists come to see these famous corvids. Personally responsible for the corvids, Skaife shares for the very first time an intimate look behind the scenes, describing the ravens’ unique personalities, antics, and escapades at the Tower of London.


The ravens “pick” Skaife instead of the other way around. The former Ravenmaster identifies Skaife as one the ravens like, and his attraction and mettle are tested by being invited to enter into the enclosure for the ravens. For the first time in history, in 2019 a raven breeding program begins, and four ravens are hatched at the Tower of London. Skaife blows up social media when he starts a Twitter account with one picture of the ravens on his Twitter account (@ravenmaster1). And so begins his connection with people all around the world who share his fascination with corvids. Skaife is appointed as the only sixth Ravenmaster in modern history. Merlin (AKA “Merlina”), a naughty raven, comes to the Tower where she gains the trust of Skaife and builds a special bond with him. In 2014 at the Tower of London, England commemorates the beginning of the first world war by putting 88,246 ceramic poppies into the moat, each representing a soldier who died in the war.


“As the Ravenmaster, I’ve been granted a privileged insight into the life and behavior of some of the world’s most extraordinary nonhuman creatures….They’re surprisingly like us: they are versatile, adaptable, omnivorous; they are capable of great cruelty and great kindness; and on the whole they manage to get along with one another.” “Legend says, should the ravens leave the Tower of London, it will crumble to dust, and a great harm will befall the kingdom.” “Ravens are some of the most intelligent birds on the planet.” “I’ve seen ravens express, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. I have seen them learn and remember and solve challenges involving principles of cause and effect, I know them to be capable of self-sacrifice, of caring, chivalry, and great courage.” “Ravens are a law unto themselves—and they’re not here for our entertainment.” “When people ask what it’s like being the Ravenmaster, I sometimes say that it’s like going to a supermarket with seven young children, all of whom run off up and down the aisles in different directions. You have to be keyed up and switched on the whole time. You have to develop a sixth sense.” “Searching for the birds when they go missing is a bit like a game of hide-and-seek. Except you’ve got eighteen acres of the Tower to search. And you’re looking for a creature that can fly. And blends into the shadows.”

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Twitter: @ravenmaster1
Facebook: @chrisskaife
Instagram: @ravenmaster1

Watch the Ravenmaster with six-week-old Poppy, the newest raven at the Tower of London.

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