Harvard-trained geriatrician and award-winning author Louis Aronson introduces a revolutionary perspective on growing old in her book, “ELDERHOOD: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life.” Sharing stories from her personal and professional life, and drawing from history, Aronson offers clarity and understanding about “elderhood,” the third and final stage of life after childhood and adulthood and a period that can span up to 40 years or more.

With new insights into aging, medicine, and humanity itself, Aronson teaches us how to move beyond wrinkles and baldness and reframe these later decades of elderhood so we can better prepare for and thrive during our final years.


“In medicine, we spend most of most days really dealing with some pretty intense things that fill us with emotions and feelings and thoughts and experiences that are the stuff of literature.” “Elderhood, or the specter of being seen old by others,…pretty much starts somewhere between 60 and 70 for most people…but if you’re in Silicon Valley, and if you’re over age 30 or 35, you’re already old.” “People start getting happy in their late 50s, and their happiest time of life…is, hands down, the 60s and 70s.” “When asked the recipe for a good old age, I often give a list: good genes, good luck, enough money, and one good kid, usually a daughter.” “A majority of the most powerful people in politics and many other industries are people in their 60s and early 70s.” “We have created a society where we do everything possible to stay alive yet dread being old.”

BUY Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life


Enjoy watching a TEDTalk of a mother and son’s tender photographic journey through dementia.

For a practical guide to living out the final years with joy and resilience,  BUY Successful Aging: A Neuroscientist Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives by Daniel J. Levitin.

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