Research and experience tells us that in yoga teachers and practitioners, orthorexia may be the norm, rather than the exception.


Food rules in yoga and wellness circlesThat moment when Amy was holding a can of beans thinking, “I can’t eat this!” - and she realised something was upHow becoming a mum tipped the scales towards Amy’s recovery from orthorexiaThe study that showed 86% (yes, you read that right) of yoga teachers have orthorexic tendenciesPeople come to yoga classes and teacher trainings with woundsYoga teachers can be well-meaning and still disseminate dangerous nutrition advice to susceptible peopleWhen “everyone thinks they’re a nutrition expert” and the industry is not regulatedCrazy shit yoga gurus tell their students about food: The Rajasic Girls in my first yoga teacher training, and coming back as a cockroach in your next life if you eat the wrong foods (WTF!)Intuitive eating for yogis to prevent disordered eatingSelf-compassion in orthorexia recovery“Your tissues hold your issues” - partaking in psychological therapy as part of a yoga teacher trainingWeird stuff that becomes normalised in yoga bubblesAccessibility and social justice issues – how can we make our yoga and nutrition services accessible and sustainable?Amy’s professional education journey, from health coach to masters degree in nutrition“Sugar free” mania in parents, and raising kids who are competent, intuitive eaters


Where to find Amy: and
Amy’s personal website, including art and music:
Facebook: Amy Reich - Curated Nutrition and Health Promotion

Resources mentioned:
Valera et al. (2014) Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among ashtanga yoga practitioners: a pilot study. Eat Weight Disord. 2014 Dec;19(4):469-72.
Everyone’s a Nutrition Expert” by Tara Leong
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

Learning opportunities:
Social justice and accessibility in yoga
Dianne Bondy
Lucy Aphramor
Body Positive Australia
Trauma-informed yoga

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