Samantha Warren is an experienced designer, speaker, and writer who leverages a diverse background in artistic mediums to create compelling and functional web experiences. Currently, Samantha is the Communications designer at Twitter. She talks about design and the web on her blog,, and spends time with her cross-eyed cat, Grace.

Samantha Warren is an experienced designer, speaker, and writer who leverages a diverse background in artistic mediums to create compelling and functional web experiences. Currently, Samantha is the Communications designer at Twitter. She talks about design and the web on her blog,, and spends time with her cross-eyed cat, Grace.

Samantha Warren on Twitter
Samantha Warren on Dribbble
Army Careers: Ways to Serve in the Army
Derek Powazek - It’s pronounced poe-WAH-zek.
Fray issue 3: Sex & Death
Design for Community by Derek Powazek
Political News and Political Analysis about Congress, the President and federal government.
Jason Santa Maria
Lessons Worth Sharing
Alejandro Paul
Candy Script
Fontdeck web fonts
Beercamp 2012

Twitter Mentions