Our guest for this episode is Rachel Andrew. Rachel is a web developer, speaker and prolific author. Her new book, the CSS3 Anthology was just released by Sitepoint. She’s also the founder of the web development agency, edgeofmyseat.com.

Our guest for this episode is Rachel Andrew. Rachel is a web developer, speaker and prolific author. Her new book, the CSS3 Anthology was just released by Sitepoint. She’s also the founder of the web development agency, edgeofmyseat.com.

edgeofmyseat.com - Web development agency, creators of Perch Content Management System
Perch Content Management System - Make great websites faster
this is rachelandrew.co.uk - the website of web developer, writer and speaker Rachel Andrew
The CSS3 Anthology, 4th Edition - SitePoint
Rachel Andrew on Twitter

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