Lainey Feingold is the author of Structured Negotiation published by the American Bar Association that explores an alternative dispute resolution process she’s used throughout her work as a disability rights lawyer. Through structured negotiation, she has collaborated with Target, CVS, Major League Baseball, Wal-Mart, and many other organizations in representing disabled people seeking full participation that our society has to offer.

Lainey Feingold is the author of Structured Negotiation published by the American Bar Association that explores an alternative dispute resolution process she’s used throughout her work as a disability rights lawyer. Through structured negotiation, she has collaborated with Target, CVS, Major League Baseball, Wal-Mart, and many other organizations in representing disabled people seeking full participation that our society has to offer.

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2:25 How did you start the path to becoming a disability rights attorney?
4:50 What type of technology did they add to ATMs to make them more accessible?
6:50 What other companies have you done structured negotiations with?
9:09 Are there other ways for dispute resolution?
11:49 Can structured negotiations be used in business?
12:50 Who do you contact first if you have an issue?
14:40 Do people resist structured negotiations?
16:15 Is it unusual for companies to respond positively?
17:02 What types of issues have you run into?
19:04 What is the process with structured negotiations?
21:01 Do you bring outside experts as well?
22:07 Nobody likes to be told what to do so we give recommendations.
23:28 What type of skills and traits are needed to manage a structured negotiation.
27:40 What you do for your non-english speaking customers, you need to do for your blind customers.
28:50 How can I convince my boss to work in this way?
31:50 Increasing your potential customer base by building with accessibility in mind.
32:50 Showing appreciation for every small step along the way.
34:30 Positive press is more important than a lawsuit.
35:18 What are the characteristics that have made you a good negotiator?
37:37 How can people find your book?


Christopher Schmitt
Christopher Schmitt @teleject
Lainey Feingold’s Law Firm
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Joe Clark - Building Accessible Websites
Structured Negotiation Talk in DC
Structured Negotiation on American Bar Association
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