Our guest for today’s show is Jeff Croft, a designer and developer working out of his home in Seattle. He works at the web agency nGen Works and he’s also a blogger, speaker, critic, and industry thought leader. Jeff is the co-founder of the popular eBook sharing community, Lendle.me, he’s co-authored two books, Pro CSS Techniques, and Web Standards Creativity. He has been working on the web full-time since 1995. While Jeff does plenty of programming, his true passion lies in design, user experience, communication, and social media.

Our guest for today’s show is Jeff Croft, a designer and developer working out of his home in Seattle. He works at the web agency nGen Works and he’s also a blogger, speaker, critic, and industry thought leader. Jeff is the co-founder of the popular eBook sharing community, Lendle.me, he’s co-authored two books, Pro CSS Techniques, and Web Standards Creativity. He has been working on the web full-time since 1995. While Jeff does plenty of programming, his true passion lies in design, user experience, communication, and social media.