Joined with Simon St. Laurent in talking with Dr. Sean Brannon and Paul Schmitt. Dr. Brannon is Professor from the Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University; affiliated faculty to the Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute (LTI); and Director of the Intelligent Vehicles and Systems Research Group. Paul Schmitt is Director of Automated Vehicles at MassRobotics and an invited expert to the White House on Autonomous Vehicles.

Joined with Simon St. Laurent in talking with Dr. Sean Brannon and Paul Schmitt. Dr. Brannon is Professor from the Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University; affiliated faculty to the Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute (LTI); and Director of the Intelligent Vehicles and Systems Research Group. Paul Schmitt is Director of Automated Vehicles at MassRobotics and an invited expert to the White House on Autonomous Vehicles.

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Time Jumps

2:16 Introductions
3:50 The state of autonomous vehicles
7:50 Laying groundwork to prevent confusion (types of autonomous cars)
10:00 Level 5 vehicle updates
12:35 Challenges of level 5 vehicles
14:55 If level 4 (like Tesla) was popular enough, how would it effect traffic patterns?
15:40 What is platooning?
17:40 Rules for platooning.
19:50 Testing on real roads with real drivers.
21:40 Making eye contact with vehicless drivers.
25:10 Sharing information between vehicles with Dedicated Short Range Radios
28:55 How do you test driverless cars?
31:15 Training autonomous vehicles
33:40 We’re struggling with how safe is safe?
39:25 How to make people feel comfortable with autonomous vehicles
41:10 What kind of industries or niches can take advantage of autonomous vehicles?
47:30 Vehicles will have different apps and customizing them.
49:00 How will our road infrastructure change because of autonomous vehicles?
53:10 Developing landmarks and sensors on the vehicles
55:40 Human decision making is becoming the weak link.


Christopher Schmitt
Christopher Schmitt on Twitter
The road to reality of autonomous vehicles
Intelligent Vehicles and Systems Group
Mass Robotics
Stages of Auto Vehicles
What are the six levels of autonomy?
The Scary Efficiency of Autonomous Intersections
How Intelligent Cars Will Make Driving Easier and Greener
Autonomous Vehicles: Are You Ready for the New Ride?
Autonomous Vehicles - Self-Driving Vehicles Enacted Legislation
Autonomous Vehicle Technology A Guide for Policymakers
DSRC Radio Description
The Ethics of Autonomous Cars
How do driverless cars work?
When will the robots hit the road?
Tesla Auto Pilot program
History of Autonomous Vehicles
Atlanta Testing Autonomous Vehicle Technology
Self-Driving and Autonomous Vehicles & 6 Reasons Why These Won’t Be Coming Soon
How Tesla’s Self-Driving Autopilot Actually Works
The Future of Autonomous Vehicles
Traffic Control for the Future

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