Ever thought about your relationship with the places you visit and whether you’re doing more harm than good? Are you aware of the incredible privilege inherent in the lifestyles we live (or aspire to live) as nomads?


I invite you to listen in as I discuss this topic with guest Amanda Machado. This particular episode has more questions than answers, but they’re questions I think more of us need to be asking. They can help inform how we travel and where, the ways in which we can try to avoid inflicting harm on others and their communities, and lots more. 


In this episode:

How Amanda got into her work around privilege and travel

What people can do to break barriers of privilege

The steps you can take for genuine action vs. performative action

Inherent privileges that people don’t realize they have

How to take part in justice-oriented travel

Questions she sat with to examine and acknowledge her privilege


For full show notes, resources, and links go to www.nomadtopia.com/184.


Ready to get more ideas, inspiration, and strategies for location-independent living? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platforms so you’ll get updated anytime a new episode is released! 


Let’s connect! Get to know me better over on Instagram @nomadamy or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Nomadtopia/.