Previous Episode: Bromads
Next Episode: Getting Out of a Funk

We talk to Natasha Stanley (This Is For You), Beck Power (Nomad Fly, Nomad Work and Nomad Me) and Jennifer Lachs (Digital Nomad Girls) We’re all fresh out of 7in7 and absolutely buzzing This was going on outside the apartment while we were talking How do you relate authentically? Be honest! Try to avoid talking about work for as long as possible Business opportunities are a side effect of making friends! Hot tip from Natasha: when heading to a networking event, prepare questions that will make people smile to break through the small talk Jenny talks about how she sees a potential bromad differently after one of Natasha’s authentic relating games Hot tip from Beck: bring cheese to make friends QOTD from Natasha: “Confidence is just the memory of success.” Shake hands to create a connection with someone Shoutout to Hannah Dixon for facing her balloon fears during 7in7

How do you create connections in person? Send us a voice memo or an email to [email protected]. Speaking of community, join us on Twitter and Facebook, and get more action and discussion on our lovely Facebook Group. Like the show? Subscribe and give us 5 stars on iTunes!

The Nomad + Spice theme tune is Yellow Sea by the venerable Madame Gandhi.

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