Previous Episode: Hobbies
Next Episode: Home Bases

This week’s a big one. We talk about privilege in the nomad world!

“Anyone can be a digital nomad if they try hard enough” - can they though? We hear from Chrys, Pauline and LaToya, who wade into the waters of digital nomad privilege Privilege 101: we all have some kind of privilege over someone else We quote from White privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack We dig into all the ways we can think of that we have privilege. Strap in! BTW, we allude to but don’t specifically address the issue of straight privilege. (But we know we’ve got it!)


Extra resources:

Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

Intersectionality 101

… and so many more


Send us your thoughts on privilege! Send us a voice memo or an email to [email protected], or say hi on Twitter and Facebook. Please take a minute to subscribe and rate us on iTunes!

The Nomad + Spice theme tune is Yellow Sea by the luminous Madame Gandhi

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