Girls do worse in maths tests when told that boys are better (and other studies) Reply All’s dropshipping episode and our Bromad episode Beck Power on confidence Janice The Career Introvert takes down the mantra of fake it till you make it Read Ellen Bard’s blog post on the negative effects of affirmations We chat about 7in7 feedback Read Tiffany Dufu’s book like we did in our Nomad Feminist Book Club! Ira Glass on the creativity gap QOTD: “Comparison is the death of joy” Man puts ‘Mr’ in front of his gender-neutral name and suddenly gets a job Men apply for jobs when they only have 60% of qualifications required; women only apply with 100% Natasha gives us some wise words about where confidence comes from

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The Nomad + Spice theme tune is Yellow Sea by the boss, Madame Gandhi

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