S1E12: My Mail-Lady Hates Me - Trevor William Church (Haunt)

I've always thought throughout my narrow childhood that California has and/or had a surplus amount of underground metal songwriters/musicians making moves to join various bands. Welp, I was wrong?

In this episode, we talk to Trevor William Church (Haunt) about being a full-time father figure with the massive amount of musical obligations he forges through on a daily basis, releasing the newest Haunt record without Shadow Kingdom Records, growing up in the middle of nowhere let alone not having a taste of alcohol in 10 years.


In a band? Let's chat about it.
Instagram: @noisedosagemedia 
Contact us: [email protected]

Cover Artwork/Logo by - Brandon Jones (@begrudgingly_benny) 
Portrait/Logo by - Thomas Green (Vile Throne)

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