NEW Music, Celebrating Folk Fest, Go to Bug incision Sunday July 31! Have a great August long weekend in the sun

Playlist: Manou Gallo - EmotionIffriqiyya Electrique - Moola NeftaCheikh Ibra Fam - Peace in AfricaFred Anderson & Hamid Drake - For Brother ThompsonBennie Maupin & Adam Rudolph - Second MovementDavid Virelles - Simple AnswerCurlew - Mink's DreamCurlew - Dog house on the MoonNick Macri & Mono No Aware - How To Be in the BodyNo More Shpaes - Fat KidFriesen/Waters Duo - Wasters RefineRebecca Bruton - No Place in the SunWho Cares? - RondoMoat Bells - Malarkey and Ecstasy