What Happened

A couple of rough weeks mentallyIt’s really easy to get inside one's headA couple of projects fell throughSome questions about the future as it relates to current ongoing workDifficult to separate the job from meAlmost two weeks where I just didn’t have a desire to do much At the beginning of last week feeling better and then I got covidThis week I’m mostly back into things

What I’m Doing

Been trying to stay off of Twitter.Been trying to get away from my computer more.Trying to get healthy again physicallyExerciseDiet

What's Next?

July Helping run a Bible School in CanadaWorking on some SEO stuff on a plugin I co-own/runThinking about future projects and pushing toward launching one of themAugustLaunch new something, anythingMight be bigger gaps in episodes, but I do want to keep recording for the deadline/motivation/story benefits

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