Hey Girl! You’re listening to episode number 74! Feminine Wounds and Warrior Spirits In this episode I get to chat with Joie Kya. Joie is a Soul Weaver, Illuminator, Sacred Space Holder, Strategic Alchemist, Energetic Healer, Intuitive, Sacred Collaborator, Soulful Author, Inspirational Speaker, Retreat Leader, and Life Blueprint Architect.Joie works with sovereign entrepreneurs and creatives todevelop a heart centered business and to release blocks that otherwise holdthem back from being their authentic selves. She offers private and grouptrainings including the Soulfire Mastermind which transforms business ownersinto fierce and soulful CEO’s.Joie also works with the individual seeking more in theirlives and works with multiple approaches to help those who seek transformationto reinvent their lives. She offers intuitive readings, Shamanic healingsessions, meditation sessions, life coaching, and spiritual counseling.As a healer and intuitive in a world of intense extreme’s where we feel increasingly disconnected and pulled in many directions, Joie aims to remind others of their power, their strengths, sacred gifts and that they are not alone as they continually heal, change and evolve. She proclaims to be the most grounded free spirit you will ever meet, because she strives to live with one foot in each world both spirit and earth. She lives by the philosophy that we are spiritual beings living in a physical form and we are here to learn, grow, and expand. The scared gift of collaboration is near and dear to Joie’ssoul purpose as she answers this sacred call in this season of her life. Sheworks with other great leaders and influencers to create workshops, specialevents and certification programs for her WildSoul Academy. She is the founderand creatrix of the Wildflower Summit, Sacred Solstice Festival, and theSoulfire Leadership Conference and has a Podcast and product line with her soulbiz bestie Sheree Grace called Sacred Living. The abundance and gifts fromwalking the path of collaborator, soul weaver and illuminator brings manyblessings into Joie’s life each day. Her arms are always opened wide with curiosity and in her heart she asks the questions weekly; What do I need to see? How may a surrender to the flow moving through my life? Lastly, how may I serve at a higher level? You all are going to love this interview! We talk about so many different soul touching topics. About healing, love, being pioneers, and our warrior selves. Connect with Joie!* Website: https://www.joiekya.com/ (https://www.joiekya.com/) * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joiekya/ (https://www.facebook.com/joiekya/) * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joiekya (https://www.instagram.com/joiekya)/ * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joie-kya-556412159/ (https://www.linkedin.com/in/joie-kya-556412159/) * Sacred Living Podcast: http://Itunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sacred-living-podcast-w-joy-grace/id1496632010?fbclid=IwAR394KmhMaSoaHnj8b6RYcXr3h5cvd_z-X9S1jdqeslxpg2thv5XIbnuK0A (iTunes Link)* Guided meditation and more about Joie https://www.joiekya.com/thewepodcast?fbclid=IwAR320xLMpLcFs4-jHO6heOz2BQbdQqMIdgh5iEMSGUqnvRZFG33BzZ4s-10 (HERE)Want more of The We Podcast? To listen to more awesome episodes, head on over to https://thewespot.com/we-podcast/ (thewespot.com) where you can find all of our episodes as well as https://thewespot.com/blog/ (The We Spot Blog)!

Hey Girl! You’re listening to episode number 74! Feminine Wounds and Warrior Spirits

In this episode I get to chat with Joie Kya. Joie is a Soul Weaver, Illuminator, Sacred Space Holder, Strategic Alchemist, Energetic Healer, Intuitive, Sacred Collaborator, Soulful Author, Inspirational Speaker, Retreat Leader, and Life Blueprint Architect.

Joie works with sovereign entrepreneurs and creatives to
develop a heart centered business and to release blocks that otherwise hold
them back from being their authentic selves. She offers private and group
trainings including the Soulfire Mastermind which transforms business owners
into fierce and soulful CEO’s.

Joie also works with the individual seeking more in their
lives and works with multiple approaches to help those who seek transformation
to reinvent their lives. She offers intuitive readings, Shamanic healing
sessions, meditation sessions, life coaching, and spiritual counseling.

As a healer and intuitive in a world of intense extreme’s where we feel increasingly disconnected and pulled in many directions, Joie aims to remind others of their power, their strengths, sacred gifts and that they are not alone as they continually heal, change and evolve.

She proclaims to be the most grounded free spirit you will ever meet, because she strives to live with one foot in each world both spirit and earth. She lives by the philosophy that we are spiritual beings living in a physical form and we are here to learn, grow, and expand.

The scared gift of collaboration is near and dear to Joie’s
soul purpose as she answers this sacred call in this season of her life. She
works with other great leaders and influencers to create workshops, special
events and certification programs for her WildSoul Academy. She is the founder
and creatrix of the Wildflower Summit, Sacred Solstice Festival, and the
Soulfire Leadership Conference and has a Podcast and product line with her soul
biz bestie Sheree Grace called Sacred Living. The abundance and gifts from
walking the path of collaborator, soul weaver and illuminator brings many
blessings into Joie’s life each day.

Her arms are always opened wide with curiosity and in her heart she asks the questions weekly; What do I need to see? How may a surrender to the flow moving through my life? Lastly, how may I serve at a higher level?

You all are going to love this interview! We talk about so many different soul touching topics. About healing, love, being pioneers, and our warrior selves.

Connect with Joie!

* Website: https://www.joiekya.com/ * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joiekya/ * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joiekya/ * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joie-kya-556412159/ * Sacred Living Podcast: iTunes Link* Guided meditation and more about Joie HERE

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To listen to more awesome episodes, head on over to thewespot.com where you can find all of our episodes as well as The We Spot Blog!