“Dyslexia robs a person of time; accommodations return it.” –Dr. Sally Shaywitz Learning to Read is hard enough as it is, right? But what if your child also has a language processing disorder? And how would you know? Today I am talking with Lindsay Terry-Lloyd founder of the non-profit Klimb Consulting (www.klimbconsulting.org) a bay-area based company dedicated to helping parents navigate a dyslexia diagnosis. In this episode, Lindsay shares her own family’s story as well as tips on identifying dyslexia and living with dyslexia while maintain your child’s confidence.Things I never knew until this interview:* 20 percent of the population is dyslexic* A Dyslexia diagnosis can range from mild to severe* While dyslexics do struggle with reading, dyslexia comes with identifiable positive attributes such as extraordinary building and/or drawing talentsRecommended Resources:* For a list of signs and additional information, check out the Yale Center for Dyslexia (dyslexia.yale.edu)* Recommended Therapy Modalities:* Orton Gillingham* Slingerland (Assessment as well)* Wilson* Barton* Linda Wood-Bell* Get assistance for Learning and attention issues at Understood.org* Learn more about Dyslexia at International Dyslexic Association* Audible is a great resource for audio books, we have an account that my kids use nightlyClick to Try Audible and get two books free!!Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks* Get audio textbooks at Learning Ally* Online Text-to-Speech Reader at Natural ReaderFor more even more info, check out Klimb ConsultingTimestamps* 3 Children with Dyslexia (4:48)* Hereditary Component (7:11)* Getting Through a Diagnosis (8:42)* Enough Information? (11:39)* Prevalence of Dyslexia (14:10)* Early Signs of Dyslexia (16:08)* Positive Attributes of Dyslexia and Famous Dyslexics (19:05)* Types of Interventions (20:53)* Seeking a Diagnosis (23:05)* Accommodations at School (25:33)* Importance of Early Diagnosis (28:24)* After Diagnosis, What’s Next? (30:50)* Naming Dyslexia (34:25)* Dealing with the Additional Stress and Maintaining Confidence (37:30)* How Parents Can Help Support Students (40:40)* Finding Help (42:10)* Support Reading Growth at Home (44:22) Support this podcast