So. This is not a podcast. I mean, it is in that it’s shaped like a podcast and we’re deploying it (kind of?) like a podcast, but podcast sounds Official and Formal and very intimidating to two strung-out cowriters who are just trying to make it through the current dystopia so they can write books […]

So. This is not a podcast. I mean, it is in that it’s shaped like a podcast and we’re deploying it (kind of?) like a podcast, but podcast sounds Official and Formal and very intimidating to two strung-out cowriters who are just trying to make it through the current dystopia so they can write books about their future apocalypse. So we’re not calling it a podcast.

We are calling it…a chat. A conversation. Your very own peek behind the curtain into the chaotic book-creating magic that is Kit Rocha. Bree & Donna will be answering questions, discussing our process, being really real and honest about the joys and hardships of self-publishing, and mostly admitting the truth: nobody knows what’s going on. Especially not us. Expect this to be barely edited, full of tangents and sometimes inadvisably authentic.

This is Bree & Donna, unfiltered. Click play below to listen in your browser, or scroll down for our iTunes link. (More links coming as we grapple with the reality that this actually just happened.)

In this first not-episode, we figure out how skype recording works. Then we discuss exciting topics such as:

Terrible and wonderful snack foods.
Donna’s trip to Selma for the 52nd Bridge Crossing Jubilee.
Post-apocalyptic grooming. (Who in Sector Four cuts their own hair?)
The basics of how we split up our writing.
Reader question: Who is the hardest character you’ve ever written?

Relevant links:

The Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee:
Highly Dubious Twizzlers:
Horizon Zero Dawn:

Special thanks to Sarah Wendell at Smart Bitches Trashy Books who was a huge cheerleader and walked Bree through all the software required. If this is enjoyable for you, thank her! If you feel tormented, blame us. We’re the ones who can’t stop talking about twizzlers.