Welcome back to our Not-a-Podcast, where Bree & Donna chat about the writing & self-publishing life and answer questions that make us spin wildly off-topic. (Previous episodes!) This week’s episode contains chatter about, but not limited to: Developing characters across a long series. Why we ended our long-running (still successful) series. Writing sex scenes. Donna […]

Welcome back to our Not-a-Podcast, where Bree & Donna chat about the writing & self-publishing life and answer questions that make us spin wildly off-topic. (Previous episodes!)

This week’s episode contains chatter about, but not limited to:

Developing characters across a long series.
Why we ended our long-running (still successful) series.
Writing sex scenes. Donna makes a really dirty metaphor about a vase & we discuss rule #1: always deal with the boots first. Also, chicken jailbreaks.
How we split up characters and the unique challenges of co-writing romances with more than two protagonists.
Character development as a conscious vs unconscious process. (Case studies: Grace & Nessa!)

Reader/listener questions answered:

Are any of your characters based on anyone?
Does a character change throughout the story?
What type of research have you had to do?
Is Eden the only city left?
Where IS Eden anyway?
When does Gideon get a book?

Relevant links:

How to ADHD — a great youtube channel even if you don’t have ADHD. (Check out the Bullet Journal tutorial!)
The Solar Storm of 1859
Soap Queen: Bree’s One-Stop-Shop for Soap research obsession