This is the first Nobody Cares About You Stupid Zine Podcast with Alex Wrekk and Marc Parker. We discuss zine news and events and then interview each other about our past present and future with zines.

Zine News!

We Make Zines

Zine Wiki

International Zine Month

Zine Events!

We Make Zine events page

Zine Librarian Unconference

New Jersey Zine Fest

Mulheim Zine Fest

London Zine Symposium

Houston Zine Fest

La Fanzinotheque

Ladyfest Oxford

Portland Zine Symposium

Other stuff:

Zine Thug


Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine podcast libsyn Blog

Alex’s button shops

This is the first Nobody Cares About You Stupid Zine Podcast with Alex Wrekk and Marc Parker. We discuss zine news and events and then interview each other about our past present and future with zines.

Zine News!
We Make Zines
Zine Wiki
International Zine Month

Zine Events!
We Make Zine events page
Zine Librarian Unconference
New Jersey Zine Fest
Mulheim Zine Fest
London Zine Symposium
Houston Zine Fest
La Fanzinotheque

Ladyfest Oxford

Portland Zine Symposium

Other stuff:
Zine Thug
Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine podcast libsyn Blog
Alex’s button shops