It’s Monday, November 23rd, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus ([email protected])

Indiana church blesses Pakistani Christians with “Experiencing God” study

Northern Indiana’s Plymouth Baptist Church is experiencing tough times, with fewer attendees and dollars than its pre-pandemic prime. But the congregation of three dozen’s commitment to looking to the harvest of souls has touched thousands of lives in Pakistan where 96% of people are Muslim, reports the Christian Post.

Pastor Doug Dieterly has taken the church through the Bible study entitled, “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby several times.   One of Blackaby’s primary principles is to be open to seeing the Lord’s activity in unexpected places and join Him there rather than starting a ministry on our own and trying to get Him to bless it.

After praying for the people of Pakistan through a visitor to the church who told them about the dangerous church-planting work of a missionary there, they felt led by God to fund the $3,500 necessary to provide a secure place to meet and the Bible study workbooks for Pakistani Christians to study “Experiencing God.”  The small Indiana church did this despite the fact that the church was perilously close to a zero balance in the bank.

Thanks to a garage sale that they organized at the church, they raised precisely the $3,500 they needed -- without a dollar to spare.

Pastor Dieterly said, “From the beginning, it’s been God.”

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Trump attorney: “What's coming in Georgia will be shocking!”

On Saturday, Trump attorney Jordan Sekulow gave NewsMax the presidential election update. He looked at Clark County, Nevada where 160,000 votes were thrown out for a local election because of fraud, but oddly enough, those same 160,000 votes were still counted in the presidential election.

SEKULOW: “They actually said Clark County, [Nevada] --  the Democratic County Commission  -- said it's tossed because there was too much fraud in those 160,000 votes. Yet they're still using those votes to count towards the presidential election.”

In Detroit, Michigan, Sekulow referenced the disconnect between the number of votes counted vs. the number of people who signed in to vote.

SEKULOW: “So, in Wayne County, which is Detroit, you've got an issue that is very serious. Out of 71 precincts -- the most populous county in Michigan,  in 71 precincts, more votes were counted than people that signed in in same-day voting.”

Sekulow was grateful that Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has stepped in, noting that many of the signatures of the Georgians who voted did not match the signatures on file of those registered voters.

SEKULOW: “[Georgia] Governor Kemp has now stepped in. I'm glad he has in Georgia to say, ‘You know what, this doesn't seem right what the Secretary of State has said.’ the matching of the signatures, really another recount that actually counts because this other recount was not really a recount at all. All we did was find more votes, which were new votes not recounted votes.”

Finally, Sekulow promised, in a separate battle front, that the Trump Team was going to make major news in Georgia today or tomorrow.

SEKULOW: “What's coming in Georgia will be shocking when we file this in federal court Monday or Tuesday. It's nothing that we have talked about before. It's not related to what you heard in the press conference [last Thursday] either. This is something completely separate. So I will tell you that we've got new litigation coming in the state of Georgia.”

Mexican President is waiting until U.S. President is certified

In related news, the populist left-leaning President of Mexico doubled down in a press conference on November 9, arguing that Mexico “cannot act recklessly” in congratulating Joe Biden as the “potential” winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential elections until official results are posted, reports

President Andrés Obrador said, “I want to make it clear, to inform the people of Mexico, regarding the United States elections, the position of the government that I represent is to wait for the United States authorities in charge of the electoral process to decide on the winner for the presidency. We cannot act recklessly.”

Michigan Democratic Gov.: Limit Thanksgiving meal to 10 people

White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas called on Michigan residents to “rise up” against Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest lockdown, which has renewed calls among Republicans for her impeachment, reports

Whitmer’s new orders prohibit indoor eating in restaurants and bars, limit indoor Thanksgiving celebrations to ten people from up to two households, and mandates mask-wearing.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi celebrates transgendered folly

And finally, on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California honored “Transgender Day of Remembrance” and called on Americans to “reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that our transgender friends, neighbors, family members and colleagues are fully seen and represented and are granted the dignity and respect that they deserve.”

But God is clear.  Dressing in the clothes intended for the opposite sex, ingesting hormones intended for the opposite sex, or getting mutilating surgeries are all antithetical to His divine design.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, November 23rd, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.