It’s Monday, July 5th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus ([email protected])

Mozambique Muslims radicalizing boys, raping girls

Muslim terrorists have taken evil to a whole new level in Mozambique, the Southeastern African country bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, and Zambia to the northwest, reports International Christian Concern.

According to Fionn Shiner, the Press Officer for the Aid to the Church in Need, “Boys are being abducted to be forced into becoming child soldiers. The boys are brainwashed into becoming terrorists – the ‘worst kind.’ Girls are forced to become child brides: they are raped and subjected to all manner of sexual abuse. The terrorists put the girls under considerable pressure to convert to Islam.”

Since 2017, there have been over 1,300 civilian deaths caused by Islamic extremism in the north of Mozambique. No wonder Open Doors has determined it is the 45th worst country in the world for the persecution of Christians.

Matthew 18:6 says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Canadian pastor released, 2 churches unchained

Remember Canadian Pastor Timothy Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church?

He was the third pastor arrested in Calgary, Alberta in mid-May for daring to hold in-person worship services in violation of tyrannical COVID-19 restrictions.

After spending two nights in jail in mid-May, Pastor Stephens was re-arrested and re-imprisoned on Monday, June 14. We have a special link to the video of the arrest, showing him being hauled away by the Calgary Police as his eight children and his wife weep in the driveway of their Calgary home.


SON: “Bye Daddy!”

STEPHENS (from back seat of cop car): ”Bye guys.”

(audio of crying children)

Pastor Stephens is seen reaching through the bars of the police cruiser to touch hands with his horrified children before being taken away.

Good news though. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is pleased to announce that Pastor Stephens was released from jail last Friday, reports

The Justice Centre also confirms that Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, and Grace Life Church near Edmonton, have been unchained and released from government seizure and were returned to their congregations July 1.

Supreme Court delivers major blow to religious liberty

Friday was a devastating day for religious liberty in the United States of America, reports Alliance Defending Freedom.

The Supreme Court declined to hear the case of Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers, letting stand a lower court ruling that had ordered the 76-year-old grandmother to participate in a faux homosexual wedding ceremony.

The Supreme Court in effect said that sodomite rights trump the rights of Christian business owners.

The Human Rights Campaign, a radical, anti-Christian hate group, celebrated the decision. The homosexual activist Alphonso David said, “The Supreme Court has once again said that critical nondiscrimination laws protecting LHBTQ people are legally enforceable and has set a strong and definitive precedent. … We need to double-down on our efforts to pass The Equality Act.”

The Mainstream Media, along with radical homosexual activists, portrayed this sweet, church-going grandmother as a homophobic monster, but it was all a lie, reports Christian radio host Todd Starnes. In reality, she had gladly served many homosexual customers. But when it came to homosexual faux weddings, she drew a hard line.

Now. there is growing concern that Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett may in fact be cut from the same judicial cloth as Chief Justice John Roberts — liberals disguised as conservatives.

Pelosi upset with bills protecting minors from puberty-blockers

Marking the sixth anniversary of the Supreme Court Obergefell vs. Hodges decision —which declared homosexual faux marriage a constitutional right, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the lead Democrat, said in a statement  that state legislatures have recently passed a “wave of hateful legislation” relating to so-called “transgender children,” reports

Of course, the San Francisco Leftist is referring to the laws that prohibit minors from getting puberty-blocking drugs which can leave them sterile for a lifetime.

Pelosi refers to such common-sense legislation as “barriers and bigotry.”

Proverbs 18:2 describes Pelosi to a “t.” “Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions.”

Gov. Huckabee’s advice to Trump crowd: “Identify as Hunter Biden”

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had some advice for anyone connected with former President Donald Trump who might be investigated: identify as Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s reprobate son.

Listen to his comment from Fox’s Hannity program from last Thursday.

HUCKABEE: “I do have a strategy that I would suggest that everyone in the Trump orbit use. Anytime you're investigated, simply say, ‘I identify as Hunter Biden.’ Because if you can do that, you'll never be investigated. Nobody will ever lay a finger on you. Nobody will care what you can do. You can do things in broad daylight and the FBI and everybody will turn a blind eye and let it go. So just take the simple advice: Identify as Hunter Biden. You're home free.”

Disney rips out reference to “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls”

Up until 2020, Disney World in Orlando, Florida issued this announcement preceding their nightly fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom.


ANNOUNCER: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages. In just a few minutes, the Magic Kingdom invites you to enjoy our nighttime spectacular, ‘Happily Ever After.’”

Now that Disney has resumed the nightly fireworks – which were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic -- they have thrown out their previous affirmation of the two, God-ordained genders, reports


ANNOUNCER: “Good evening, dreamers of all ages. In just a few minutes, Magic Kingdom invites you to enjoy our nighttime spectacular ‘Happily Ever After.’”

(An April letter from Josh D'Amaro, chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, noted that the organization is "creating a place where everyone is welcome and taking action to create meaningful change." One of the ways it's doing so is providing "greater flexibility with respect to forms of personal expression" of cast members "surrounding gender-inclusive hairstyles, jewelry, nail styles, and costume choices; and allowing appropriate visible tattoos.")

Walt Disney wouldn’t be pleased with such foolishness.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”

Oregon Worldview listener uses newscast in homeschool

Joni Siefker in Albany, Oregon wrote me at [email protected].  She said, “Our family listens to The Worldview in Five Minutes every day. Our two children -- Emma, who is 15, and Riley, who is 11 -- are homeschooled, and they love to listen to what is happening around the world.  We also appreciate that you use scripture to point to a biblical worldview. Emma has used your articles for her current events assignments for her history class a few times. It’s a trusted place for her to get real, authentic news.

“We heard about the newscast and the Generations podcast from a new attendee at our church about six months ago. Since then, I have been sharing it with friends and family. The Lord has you here for such a time.”

4 new Worldview listeners donated $475

And finally, to help keep The Worldview on the air, we need to raise $65,000 by this Friday, July 9th.  Four new Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate.

We’re grateful to God for Robin in Wellington, Florida who gave $25, Aimee in Lahaina, Hawaii who gave $50, Archellyn in Valley Center, California who gave $150, and Jason and Emily in Cumberland, Iowa who gave $250.

Those 4 gifts add up to $475.  Ready for our new grand total?  Drum roll please. (Drum roll sound effect). $49,963!  (Sound effect of people cheering)

In order to hit our final goal of $65,000 by this Friday, July 9th, we need to raise $15,037. That means I need to find 25 Worldview listeners who will pledge $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300.  And another 12 listeners who will pledge $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600. In fact, the next 2 listeners who pledge $50/month will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a generous couple in Minnesota.

Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount, and select the recurring button, if that’s your wish.  What would the Lord have you do?


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, July 5th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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