It’s Thursday, October 22nd, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Jonathan Clark

Mali Islamic terrorists killed Swiss missionary

Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs announced that Islamic terrorists in the West African country of Mali killed missionary Beatrice Stockli last month.

The Muslims held Stockli since January 2016, along with other hostages, after kidnapping her for her faith.

Stockli settled in northern Mali in 2000 and worked for a Swiss church and a missionary group distributing Christian materials.

Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.”

Netherlands eager to legalize murder of terminally ill children

The Netherlands’ Health Minister told Parliament last week that the country is likely to legalize the killing of terminally-ill children between the age of 1 and 12 years.

The practice is already legal for people over 12 years old and for infants in their first year.

The Netherlands became the first European country to legalize euthanasia in 2002. And by 2016 the number of daily euthanasia killings rose to 16, accounting for four percent of annual deaths in the country.

Secretary of State Pompeo seeks Christ’s wisdom daily

On Tuesday, The Christian Post interviewed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He has been outspoken in his Christian faith, serving as a soldier, small businessman, member of Congress, CIA director, and now Secretary of State.

Pompeo said he started pursuing Christ seriously during his freshman year at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Ever since then, Pompeo said he has made time each day to pray and read the Bible or Christian materials.

And Pompeo has used his platform to promote religious freedom internationally.

When handling the tough decisions on the global stage, Pompeo said, “I do my best to turn to [God] each and every day for sustainment and understanding, wisdom and endurance to execute this mission.”

D.C. church holds outdoor service in midst of COVID Tyranny

Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. held outdoor worship services on Sunday for the first time after suing the district over coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Associate Pastor Bobby Jamieson preached on the nature of civil government from Psalm 72:11.

JAMIESON: “All kings will one day acknowledge Jesus as King. All rulers will one day bow before the rule of Christ. All earthly authorities will one day answer to the authority of Christ.

“There are two basic forms submission can take. One is humble, trust and obedience, which can happen now and bring glory to Christ through the submission to His authority. The other is being unwillingly humbled by His just judgment on the Last Day. All earthly authorities will either do their duty to Christ or receive their doom from Christ.  They will become either His willing subjects or His conquered captives.

“Earthly political power has the aura of finality. In human terms, every buck stops somewhere. Every chain of command has a last link. Every appeals process eventually comes to an end. A bill is blocked by veto or the veto is overridden. But that aura of finality tempts us to draw false conclusions. It tempts us to think that human authority is the highest authority. It tempts us to think that human power is the highest power.

“But right now, as each of us draws breath, Christ holds an office far higher than that of any earthly leader. And one day, He will divest all authority from all those who have resisted His rule.”

Psalm 72:11 says, “Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him.”

Wikipedia has banned support for Biblical marriage

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, has banned editors from expressing support for Biblical marriage. Messages like “onemanonewoman” have been removed from editors’ profiles. However, pro-homosexual profiles have not been taken down.

Even Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger wrote this year that the encyclopedia’s neutrality policy is dead at this point because of religious and political bias.

Undergraduate college enrollment is down

The National Clearinghouse Research Center released a report last week, finding that a month into the Fall Semester, undergraduate enrollment is down four percent compared to last year. Freshman enrollment is down a striking 16 percent.

Meanwhile, enrollment at primarily online institutions increased by seven percent.

These educational disruptions come as many colleges transitioned online back in March during coronavirus lockdowns.

World War II hero died last Thursday

And finally, World War II hero Jim Feezel died last Thursday at the age of 95.

The Alabama man served in the 12th Armored Division and drove a tank through a gate of Dachau in Germany to liberate thousands of prisoners from a Nazi concentration camp.

In a video interview with The Decatur Daily in 2015, Feezel shared how he became serious about his faith four years before going to war.

FEEZEL: “So, at the end of this service, I got on my knee and I said, ‘Lord, I need your help. I need a remake. And I want you to take charge of my life.’ And four years later I’m at war.”

One of the concentration camp’s survivors, Bob Sawada, reunited with Feezel for an interview on WAAY ABC 31 back in April. Sawada said, “I think you were sent by God. God sent you.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, October 22nd, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.