It’s Monday, January 29th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected]) By Adam McManus Sudanese paramilitary group killed a Christian On Saturday, January 20, Muslim militants from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces killed a Christian in Omdurman, Sudan, reports Morning Star News. The Rapid Support Forces, which has been fighting...

The post Roe of Roe v. Wade never had abortion, Trump promises largest domestic deportation in history, Ohio may require age verification to access pornography appeared first on The World View in 5 Minutes.

It’s Monday, January 29th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Adam McManus

Sudanese paramilitary group killed a Christian

On Saturday, January 20, Muslim militants from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces killed a Christian in Omdurman, Sudan, reports Morning Star News.

The Rapid Support Forces, which has been fighting the Sudan Armed Forces since April 15, shot dead Hidar Al Amin at his home across the Nile from Khartoum.

The Muslim militants insulted Al Amin, a member of the Sudanese Presbyterian Evangelical Church in his 30s, for being a Christian. They looted his property and left him in a pool of blood.

Psalm 7:9 says, “Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just.”

50 young Canadians join March for Life in D.C.

At least 50 Canadian young adults marched in the streets of Washington DC at the March for Life to call for an end to abortion, reports

Campaign Life Coalition helped sponsor a bus of pro-life young people to bring American strategies and motivation back to Canada. With the fall of Roe v Wade in 2022, U.S. states are now able to legislate abortion as they see fit.  Maeve Roche, the Canadian pro-life Youth Coordinator, said the key term used at this year’s gathering was “the end of the beginning.” 

Roche led the group on a 12-hour journey from Mississauga, Ontario, to give the young Canadians the experience of being part of a massive gathering of likeminded people. 

She said, “The U.S. March in DC is the largest annual human rights demonstration in the world, so I think bringing our youth is truly a transformative experience. They get to be surrounded by tens of thousands of American pro-lifers. There’s something really unique and reinvigorating about being involved in such a huge demonstration for the rights of the preborn.”

Trump promises largest domestic deportation in U.S. history

Appearing before a massive crowd in Las Vegas on Saturday, former president Donald Trump promised, if elected, he would implement the largest domestic deportation operation in American history, reports Christian talk show host Todd Starnes.


TRUMP: “Within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in America. (cheers) That’s right. We have no choice because this is not sustainable. It’s no wonder Joe Biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us. They know that we are the only ones who can stop them. They know that.”

Trump called on all states to send National Guard troops to the border to assist Texas in stopping the invasion of the country.

Trump leads Haley before South Carolina primary

Ahead of the February 24th GOP presidential primary in South Carolina, revealed a recent poll which shows Donald Trump has the backing of 67% of South Carolinian Republicans and Nikki Haley, who was once Governor there, only excites 27% of them.

Plus, five of the six members of the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as both Republican Senators – Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump. In addition, South Carolina’s Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, House Speaker, and State Treasurer have all endorsed Trump over Haley.

That’s why it comes as no surprise that Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, contended on Sky News Australia that Haley will drop out of the presidential race before the South Carolina primary.


MULVANEY: “If she loses her home state by 35 points, the money is going to stop. And in our system, money is the lifeblood of politics. So, she has a real serious problem. In the folks I talk to in South Carolina, we fully expect her to drop out before the South Carolina primary.

“Why? If she loses South Carolina by a huge margin, it actually hamstrings her going into 2028. It would do nothing but invigorate folks like Ron DeSantis, or other potential 2028 challengers, if Nikki Haley can’t even win her home state or gets crushed in her home state. So, there’s a lot more downside perhaps.

“Right now the conventional wisdom, amongst those in the admittedly political class, is that she does not have a chance in her home state and, for that reason, she will be getting out before the end of February.”

Ohio may require age verification to access pornography

Ohio GOP State Senator Stephanie Kunze is hoping to add The Buckeye State to a growing list of states requiring age verification to access pornography, reports

The proposal — Senate Bill 212 — would require visitors to pornography sites to confirm they are of legal age by mandating an identification check through an independent, third-party verification application.

Job 31:1 says, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.”

Son of Pawn Stars creator died of fentanyl overdose

Adam Harrison, the son of “Pawn Stars” creator and star Rick Harrison, died at 39 due to a fentanyl overdose, reports

Rick Harrison wrote, “You will always be in my heart. I love you Adam.”

Adam Harrison was the second child of Rick Harrison and his ex-wife. He was the younger brother of Corey Harrison, who stars in “Pawn Stars” with his father.

The Roe of Roe v. Wade asked Supreme Court to reverse Roe

And finally, on June 22, 1996, Norma McCorvey, the Roe of Roe v. Wade, asked the US Supreme Court to reverse its Roe v. Wade decision in light of the fact the case was based on fraudulent evidence.

McCorvey was the original plaintiff, “Jane Doe.” The court declined at the time. But it finally did reverse the ruling in June 2022.

Remarkably, she never did get an abortion.  She delivered her third child, Shelly Lynn McCorvey, on June 2, 1970.

In 1994, McCorvey published her autobiography, I Am Roe. At a book signing, McCorvey was befriended by Flip Benham, an Evangelical minister and the national director of the anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue.

McCorvey trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior and was baptized on August 8, 1995, by Flip Benham, in a Dallas, Texas, backyard swimming pool—an event that was filmed for national television. He shared her testimony on Washington Watch.

Two days later, she announced that she had quit her job at an abortion mill and had become an advocate of Operation Rescue’s campaign to make abortion illegal.

McCORVEY: “Upon knowing God, I realized that my case, which legalized abortion on demand, was the biggest mistake of my life.”

She voiced remorse for her part in the Supreme Court decision and said she had been a pawn for abortion activists.


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, January 29th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at  Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]).  Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

The post Roe of Roe v. Wade never had abortion, Trump promises largest domestic deportation in history, Ohio may require age verification to access pornography appeared first on The World View in 5 Minutes.