It’s Friday, November 5th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus. ([email protected])

New Christian film – Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years

No doubt you already know the name Richard Wurmbrand, the brave Romanian pastor, who dared to speak out against the Communists during World War II.  After he was imprisoned and tortured for eight years, he wrote the book Tortured for Christ.

Now, Voice of the Martyrs, the ministry he founded, is releasing the movie about his equally courageous wife, Sabina, entitled “Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years.”

It’s the story of how God’s love transformed an ambitious, atheistic hedonist into one of the greatest Christian women of the 20th century. The film opens with Sabina Wurmbrand risking her life to show Christ’s love to a trio of Nazi soldiers.

SABINA: “Whosoever will save his life, shall lose it. And whosoever will lose his life for My sake, shall find it. We believe this or we don’t.”

“Sabina’s” cast and crew filmed on-site in Romania and earned the Best Feature, Audience Choice, and Best Original Film Score awards at the Christian Worldview Filmmakers Guild and Festival.

In our transcript today at, watch the trailer and get tickets for one of only 3 days in the theaters: Monday, November 8, Tuesday, November 9, or Wednesday, November 10.

New Jersey Governor’s race still undecided

In the race for governor in New Jersey, the Associated Press officially declared Democrat Phil Murphy, the incumbent, the victor, over Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli.

However, it’s not the media that decides elections. It’s the people. And, Ciattarelli has no plans to concede, reports

Out of the 2.4 million ballots cast in New Jersey, fewer than 30,000 votes currently separate the two candidates. And, get this, there are still 326,611 vote-by-mail and provisional ballots yet to be counted.

In an email to his supporters, Ciattarelli wrote, “This race is far from over.” Listen to a soundbite from a 2-minute video he tweeted.

CIATTARELLI: “There are still tens of thousands of vote-by-mail and provisional ballots yet to be counted. And so, the governor's victory speech last night was premature. No one should be declaring victory or conceding the election until every legal vote is counted.”

Protests against COVID-shot mandates

Thousands of people across America took the day off from work on November 3rd to participate in walkouts and demonstrations in protest of COVID-shot mandates, reports The Epoch Times.

In Phoenix, Arizona, more than 200 people gathered in protest outside the Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza. Many carried homemade signs and wore patriotic clothing in support of their message of medical freedom.

A government contractor in his 20s, an engineer, said “they’re going to fire me” by the deadline of December 8. He added, “I’m looking for other jobs. They have no regard for an employee’s choice.”

In Michigan, more than 250 protesters from a dozen southeast communities gathered in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak in Oakland County to demonstrate against COVID-shot mandates.

Ken Gulock, a health care industry worker, said he was already fired by his company, two weeks before the firm pays out its annual bonuses.  He said, “You have to be employed on the payout day. My decision not to take the vaccine cost me and my family $30,000. I have no regrets. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Lynn Mills, a mother of four, said, “One of my grown sons gave up an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii rather than be vaccinated. I am very proud of him for standing by his principles.”

And 500 people gathered in front of the James Thompson Center in Chicago to protest against the COVID-shot mandate.

San Francisco: First city to require COVID shot for kids

In related news, San Francisco becomes the first jurisdiction in the world to mandate the COVID shot for all 5 to 11-year-olds, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

In eight weeks, all San Francisco children, ages 5-plus, will be required to carry proof of full vaccination in order to dine in a restaurant with their family, take swimming lessons, etc.

Virginia Beach pastor arrested for solicitation of minors

A Virginia Beach pastor, John D. Blanchard of Rock Church International, is one of 17 people arrested during an “online chatting operation” conducted by Chesterfield County Police, reports The Virginian Pilot.

The operation spanned two days. Detectives “intercepted suspects who believed they were soliciting sex from minors through online and social media platforms.”

The pastor, age 51, is facing charges of felony solicitation of prostitution and use of a vehicle to promote prostitution.

Hebrews 13:4 says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

Baptist college president fired over sexual assault

And, in similarly disturbing news for the church, William A. Jones, the president of Georgetown Baptist College in Kentucky has been removed over allegations of inappropriate behavior, including sexually assaulting a female employee, reports the Christian Post.

Mystery grandparents pay off 82 balances at toy store

And finally, an elderly couple in Victoria, Australia, paid off 82 lay-away balances at their local Toyworld to help struggling families, reports

Scott Mills, the owner of Toyworld in Bendigo, said the two grandparents walked into the store on Wednesday, wanting to give back.

He said, "They told us a story about how they were in hardship when they were younger and struggled to pay their bills ahead of Christmas. They always swore that if they ever found themselves in a position where they could help, they would."

Manager Debra Delves said she was given the "best job ever" to call the 82 families, who were chosen at random, and tell them the good news.

One mother was driving and starting crying when she heard the news. She had to pull to the side of the road to compose herself.

And a father of twin boys, who had just $5 in his bank account, had his balance paid off, too. He was worried he wouldn't be able to buy his sons presents for Christmas or their upcoming birthdays.

The store manager said, "We were all in tears!"

Acts 10:25 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, November 5th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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