It’s Friday, September 15th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected]) By Adam McManus Libyan flood kills 11,300 people After severe flooding in Derna, Libya, 11,300 people have died in this coastal city along the Mediterranean Sea, reports The Associated Press. The flooding was caused by “Storm Daniel” that swept...

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It’s Friday, September 15th, A.D. 2023. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Adam McManus

Libyan flood kills 11,300 people

After severe flooding in Derna, Libya, 11,300 people have died in this coastal city along the Mediterranean Sea, reports The Associated Press.

The flooding was caused by “Storm Daniel” that swept across the Mediterranean coast, causing strong winds, heavy rains, and burst dams on the outskirts of the city. Much of the city’s infrastructure, including bridges and homes, were destroyed by the flood.

In addition, International Christian Concern reports that Libya is still deeply divided politically after a decade of civil conflict that began with the Arab Spring overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Open Doors’ 2023 Persecution Watchlist ranks the country as the fifth most dangerous nation for Christians worldwide.

The nation has a long history of restricting information regarding Christianity with harsh apostasy judgments on any Libyan national who considers converting to Christianity. In April of this year, foreign Christian workers and associated Libyan Christians were detained.

Please pray for the people of Libya in this time of crisis, that many seeking answers to this tragedy would find hope in Christ.

“Sound of Freedom” filmmaker candidate for Mexican president

As his movie “Sound of Freedom” ranks Number 1 at the box office in Latin America, filmmaker and actor Eduardo Verástegui has officially registered to run as an independent candidate in Mexico’s 2024 presidential election, reports The Christian Post.

Believing he can create positive changes in Mexico if elected president, the entertainer and founder of the Viva México Movement, filed his paperwork to run for president last week. 

Verástegui said he intends to run his campaign under the banner of “God, Fatherland and Family,” and, if elected, will use the momentum from his successful film to “put an end to child trafficking.”

Trump blasts Biden in South Dakota

In a speech last Friday in Rapid City, South Dakota where 10,000 supporters cheered him on, Donald Trump didn’t pull any punches as he described President Joe Biden.

TRUMP: “He’s the worst president in the history of our country. He’s the most corrupt president in the history of our country. And, as other foreign leaders say, and as I say, he is grossly incompetent. He’s very dangerous because he has no idea what he’s doing. He can’t put two sentences together. We’re playing with nuclear weapons with other countries. He has no idea what is going on.”

California School Board bans Homosexual Pride flag

A tiny California school district is in the throes of a supersized controversy over flags, reports NBC Bay Area.

In a 2-1 vote on Tuesday, the Sunol Glen School Board voted in favor of a resolution that bans the display of all flags except for the American flag and the California state flag.

The resolution was introduced after Superintendent Molly Barnes allowed the Homosexual Pride flag to be prominently displayed outside the district’s only school.

The school board is controlled by conservatives and it took them no time at all to banish the sexual perversion flag.

Austin Bruckner, a homosexual man from Castro, revealed his hostility to ABC 7 News.

BRUCKNER: “Rather than address the homophobia that’s in the community, they are catering to the Religious Right.”

But there were plenty of citizens on the other side of the debate.

CITIZEN: “If you want inclusivity, that’s what the American flag has always represented. And if you don’t believe that, you have the problem.”

A group of parents accused the district of crossing a line, reports KTVU.

Lisa Disbrow, a member of Informed Parents of Contra Costa County, said, “They have crossed the line from academics into values, beliefs, opinions, politics and sex. It’s like giving a credit card, a sexual credit card to students to engage in sexual behaviors, identities, when they’re still minors.”

Matthew 18:6 warns, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in Me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Christian rocker Mylon LeFevre now with Jesus

And finally, Christian Rock musician Mylon LeFevre, a member of the band Mylon and Broken Heart, died at 78 from cancer complications last Friday, reports The Christian Post.

LeFevre, who previously recorded over 20 albums and was awarded Grammy and Dove Awards for his 1987 album “Crack the Sky,” was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2005.


“Come on and crack the sky for me

Come on and crack the sky

And take me home, take me home

Come on and crack the sky for me

Come on and crack the sky

And take me home

Take me home tonight”

Revelation 6:14 says, “The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.”

One YouTube viewer wrote, “The Lord cracked the sky and took Mylon home today!”

On Saturday, his wife, Christi, said on Facebook, “My precious, strong, courageous husband laid hold of eternal life last night. When we discussed Heaven through the years, Mylon was most excited about receiving the soul winner’s crown.”

She said that the Christian rock band, Mylon and Broken Heart, led over 250,000 youth to Jesus.

LeFevre got his first “big break” in the music industry after Elvis Presley recorded a song he wrote at age 17 titled “Without Him.” 


“Without Him, I would be dying

Without Him, I’d be enslaved

Without Him, life would be worthless

But with Jesus, thank God I’m saved”

Following the record, LeFevre had the opportunity to tour and record with many big names in the music industry in the late 1970s, such as George Harrison, Greg Allman, Little Richard, and Eric Clapton. 

During the height of his secular music journey, LeFevre nearly died from a drug overdose. However, his life was radically changed at a “Second Chapter of Acts” concert in 1980, where he repented of his sins and gave his life to Christ.

Mrs. LeFevre said her late husband is now enjoying what he once called “the first day of forever.”


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, September 15th in the year of our Lord 2023. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


The post Libyan flood kills 11,300 people, “Sound of Freedom” filmmaker candidate for Mexican president, Christian rocker Mylon LeFevre now with Jesus appeared first on The World View in 5 Minutes.