It’s Monday, August 10th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus.

By Adam McManus ([email protected])

Communist Chinese arrest street evangelist, confiscate his cross

A Chinese Christian street evangelist was sentenced to 10 days in jail last week for the act of “illegal evangelism” as the Communist Party escalates its crackdown on street evangelism, reports the Christian Post.

Chen Wensheng, who is part of the Xiaoqun Church in Hengyang, located in China’s Hunan province, was sentenced on Aug. 3 after authorities detained him because of his evangelistic activity, reports persecution watchdog China Aid.

Chen often carries a wooden cross inscribed with the words “Glory to our Savior” and “Repent and Be Saved by Faith” as he shares the Gospel with passersby.  During his latest detention, his cross was confiscated by officers.

1 Corinthians 12:26 says, “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it.”

Biden racially profiles black CBS reporter

President Trump has made Joe Biden’s cognitive ability a campaign issue.

Just moments after Errol Barnett, a black CBS reporter, asked about it, Biden blew his top, reports Breitbart.


BARNETT SET-UP: “We had an opportunity to speak to the Vice President as part of the Convention for National Association of Black and Hispanic journalists, which is kicking off today.  We covered a wide range of topics. President Trump has made his mental ability and agility a campaign topic and Vice President Biden had previously said in June, he's always cognitively tested on the campaign trail. But I had a more specific question. Here’s the exchange.”

BARNETT TO BIDEN: “Please clarify, specifically, have you taken a cognitive test?”

BIDEN: “No, I haven't taken the test. Why would I take a test? Come on, man. That's like saying to you, ‘Before you got on this program, you're taking a test, whether you're taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?’”

BARNETT: “What do you say to President Trump, who brags about his test?”

BIDEN: “I know, I know you're trying to goad me. But I mean, I'm so forward to looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president in debates.”

BARNETT: “Now, we asked the Biden campaign this morning if they wanted to add any additional context to those remarks -- specifically comparing a mental test to being tested for cocaine. The campaign has not yet responded.”

Gary Bauer of Campaign for Working Families said, “The reason elderly people take cognitive tests is because there is a risk of some elderly people developing cognitive difficulties.  This is a legitimate concern given Biden's history and advanced age.

“But Biden immediately hits back by racially profiling the black reporter, assuming there is a high risk of blacks being "junkies."

“Donald Trump would not survive this.  No Republican would survive this.”

Bauer concludes, “Joe Biden just failed a big cognitive test! America can't risk ‘President Joe Biden.’”

Revolutionary Communist Party USA endorses Joe Biden

On Saturday, the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, Bob Avakian, publicly endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden, reports Fox News.

Avakian, who founded the party in 1979 and has a controversial past that includes a prison sentence for desecrating the American flag, wants his followers to know that this election is choosing a lesser of two evils.

Judge to Calvary Chapel pastor: Stop in-person church services

A California judge has granted a temporary restraining order against Godspeak Calvary Chapel and its Pastor Rob McCoy for holding in-person services in violation of COVID-19 health orders, reports the Christian Post.

Ventura County Superior Court granted the order on Friday requiring McCoy and the church to adhere to statewide and county public health orders stipulating that church services be held outdoors with masks and social distancing or online.

In a video message on Friday, Pastor McCoy expressed his outrage at the three Ventura County Supervisors who initiated the legal action against the Calvary Chapel.

McCOY: “Our county supervisors -- especially the three I listed which is Linda Parks, John Zaragoza and Steve Bennett releasing convicts into our streets, and now they're coming to arrest Christians who want to worship God. What's happened in America?”

Pastor McCoy announced that he will not allow Caesar to dictate that he cannot hold in-person church services even though he and the first 1,000 people who show up have been threatened with arrest.

McCOY: “As a church, we have been ordered by the judge to remain closed. This building, by judge's orders, is not to be occupied by Rob McCoy or one to 1,000 ‘Does’. I wish it didn't have to come to this. I really do. But we will be violating the judge's order. We will be open this Sunday. We're planning on having services at 9, 11, and 1. We're going to keep worshiping God. If they seek to arrest me and a thousand of you, it's almost like the first thousand get a prize. You get a citation. It's a misdemeanor.”

Acts 5:29 says, “We must obey God rather than man!”

After Instagram photo, Jerry Falwell, Jr. takes leave of absence

Jerry Falwell Jr. agreed Friday to take an “indefinite leave of absence” from his roles as president and chancellor of Liberty University at the request of the board of trustees, reports the Christian Post.

The board's request came days after Falwell expressed regret over posting a photo of himself at a costume party on a yacht during his family's vacation that showed him wearing a T-shirt and jeans that were unzipped to expose his abdomen and underwear. His right hand was around the waist of his wife's assistant who was wearing a tank top and unzipped shorts, exposing her midriff.

In an interview with the WLNI's "MorningLine" last Wednesday, Falwell explained the context of the photo that he posted on Instagram last weekend and subsequently deleted, saying that his wife’s assistant is pregnant and was unable to zip up her shorts.

FALWELL: “She’s pregnant. She couldn’t get her pants zipped. I was like, trying to like. I had on a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in a long time, so I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And so, I just put my belly out like hers. She’s my wife’s assistant and she’s a sweetheart. I should never have put it up and embarrassed her because … I’ve apologized to everybody.”

“I promised my kids I’m going to try to be better. I’m going to be a good boy from here on out. We were on vacation.  Anyway, long story short, it was just, uh, in good fun. That’s it.”

The costume party aboard the yacht was inspired by the long-running comedy series “Trailer Park Boys."

Some accused Falwell of hypocrisy, citing Liberty University’s code of conduct that prohibits students from consuming media that contains “lewd lyrics, anti-Christian messages, sexual content, nudity, pornography” either on or off campus.


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Monday, August 10th, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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