It’s Wednesday, November 3rd, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Jonathan Clark

Chinese Communists cut off pastor’s electricity

A preacher from Early Rain Covenant Church in China faced harassment on Sunday.

People vandalized preacher Dai Zhichao’s front door early in the morning, and later that day, someone cut off his power.

Dai leads a small group of Early Rain Covenant Church that faces heavy persecution from the police in the city of Chengdu.

Just last week, authorities detained Dai and his family for over 10 hours.

Dai wrote after Sunday’s incident, “When they hear us worship God during Sunday services, they get angry and come attack us. Actually, they are not attacking us, but attacking Christ. God, please help us better understand the sweetness of the cross, and that the most powerful force is the Gospel. May the Holy Spirit be with us!”

Luke 6:22 says, “Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake.”

Yahoo pulls out of China

Tech company Yahoo Inc. officially pulled out of China on Tuesday.

Yahoo joins Microsoft’s LinkedIn social network to end services in China as the country has increased regulatory control over tech companies.

Meanwhile, Apple complied with communist China and removed a Bible app and a Quran app from its App Store in China. The Bible App by Olive Tree had over a million downloads. The apps reportedly violated local laws by hosting illegal religious texts.

Britain wants to ban “conversion therapy”

The U.K. government launched a public consultation last week on its plan to ban conversion therapy.

The proposal would specifically target “talking conversion therapy” which has “the intention of changing a person's sexual orientation or changing them to or from being transgender.”

The consolation says the ban would not affect everyday religious practice. However, the Christian Institute has launched a “Let Us Pray” campaign to raise awareness about the law.

Let Us Pray spokesman Simon Calvert spoke to CBN News about how some want to use the law against Christians.

CALVERT: “The concern that we have is that some people would like the law to go much further and to reach in and affect the ordinary work of churches. You get some people who have a pretty repressive idea about using the criminal law to target essentially the beliefs of evangelical churches and the people who worship in them. That's what we need to avoid.”

Supreme Court heard arguments about Texas Heartbeat law

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases involving the new Texas Heartbeat Act.

The law bans most abortions when a heartbeat is detectable and gives enforcement to private citizens instead of the state.

At issue is whether the state can create laws enforced by citizens instead of the government.

new study by the University of Texas in Austin found the number of abortions in the state fell by 50% after the Texas Heartbeat Act went into effect in September compared with last year.

GOP gubernatorial challengers in Virginia & New Jersey could be victorious

Late Tuesday night, tight races for governor unfolded in Virginia and New Jersey with the Democratic candidates narrowly trailing their Republican rivals in states that President Joe Biden easily captured a year ago, reports the Associated Press.

Near midnight, the elections were still too early to call. As the vote count progressed, both races looked to be tight.

With 94% of the precincts reporting, Republican Glenn Youngkin had earned 50.9% of the vote and Democrat Terry McAuliffe had secured 49.3%.

CNN political commentator Van Jones said the initial tally of Virginia’s gubernatorial race is a “big, big wake-up call” for Democrats.

Over the weekend, Youngkin appeared on Fox Channel’s Life, Liberty, and Levin with Mark Levin.


YOUNGKIN: “We're seeing thousands of Virginians come together and say, ‘Hey, Glenn, we're for the things that you stand for: low taxes, the best schools, the best jobs, safe communities, a government that works for us and stops telling us what to do all the time. And, yeah, we're seeing independent voters absolutely vote with their feet.

“We're seeing the minority community, the Latino community come strong with us. We were endorsed by the Hampton Roads Black Caucus. Democrats are walking across the aisle in mass. On the ballot is Virginia. It's Terry McAuliffe and big government control against Virginians, independence, and liberty.”

Gary Bauer, founder of Campaign for Working Families, said, “Under a new law passed by the Democrat legislature, mail-in ballots postmarked November 2nd can still be counted until noon on Friday. Democrats were claiming that as many as 80,000 mail-in ballots still had not been delivered. Given what happened to us in 2020, I can still see an outcome here that could be devastating.”

In the race for New Jersey Governor, as of 12:15 a.m. this morning, with nearly 89% of precincts reporting, Republican Jack Ciattarelli leads Democrat Governor Phil Murphy 50%-49%, according to tabulation by The Associated Press.

Senator Hawley: Women should not be drafted

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri announced Monday he will introduce an amendment to the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act to protect women from the draft.

The current bill would require women to register with the Selective Service System.

Hawley wrote, “It is wrong to force our daughters, mothers, wives, and sisters to fight our wars.”

Employees are refusing to get the COVID shot

Reuters reports employees across big U.S. companies are refusing to get a COVID shot.

Half of employees at aircraft companies Textron Inc and Spirit AeroSystems have not gotten the shot.

Eight thousand or 6% of Boeing’s workforce has applied for a medical or religious exemption from the shot.

One veteran Boeing program analyst said at a recent rally, “The mandate is illegal, immoral and impractical. We are standing together against a company and government trampling on our rights.”

Meanwhile, FedEx, UPS, and other cargo carriers said it would be nearly impossible to have all their workers get the shot by the December 8th deadline.

If you want to get a religious exemption from getting the COVID shot at your workplace, go to

Americans favor “separation of church and state”

And finally, a new Pew Research study found most Americans believe the government should “enforce separation of church and state” and “never declare any religion as official religion of the U.S.”

Only 15% of respondents said the government should declare the U.S. a Christian nation. And 13% said the federal government should advocate for Christian values.

However, the numbers changed on the local level. Thirty-nine percent of people said cities or towns should be allowed to put religious symbols on public property.

Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, November 3rd, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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