It’s Tuesday, December 13th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected]) By Kevin Swanson Myanmar pastor joins 13,000 other political prisoners Over 13,000 political prisoners are reportedly held by the Myanmar military junta since taking power in early 2021. The latest to be detained is Pastor...

It’s Tuesday, December 13th, A.D. 2022. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Kevin Swanson

Myanmar pastor joins 13,000 other political prisoners

Over 13,000 political prisoners are reportedly held by the Myanmar military junta since taking power in early 2021. The latest to be detained is Pastor Hkalam Samson who was grabbed at the Mandalay International Airport on his way to Thailand.

Global Witness reports that the Baptist pastor was sued in 2019 for defamation by a military officer in the Northern Command for making critical comments about the military to then President Donald Trump. Reverend Samson has served as president of the Kachin Baptist Convention. 

Luke 21:12-13 says, “Before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake. But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.”

Court to Biden: Christian doctors won’t do trans surgeries

Praise God!  Last Friday, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously against the Biden administration on a rule which would have forced Christian doctors and hospitals to perform gender transition surgeries, reports

The suit was brought by a coalition of Catholic doctors and hospitals.  The justices ruled that “A substantial burden weighs on the exercise of religion” given that “Title VII threaten[ed] to penalize the Catholic plaintiffs for adhering to their beliefs.” 

CNN reporter died in Qatar after death threats

CNN reports that their 48-year-old reporter, Grant Wahl, collapsed and died over the weekend, while he was reporting on the World Cup Soccer Championships in Qatar.  

Just three weeks ago, Wahl, who married his wife in 2001, wore a pro-homosexual t-shirt to a World Cup game in Qatar, where homosexual relations are illegal. He said security initially refused to let him into the stadium.  Grant chose to wear the shirt in solidarity with his brother, Eric, who is a homosexual.

Eric, who lives in Seattle posted this video following Grant’s death.

ERIC WAHL: “My name is Eric Wahl. I live in Seattle, Washington. I am Grant Wahl’s brother. I’m gay, and the reason he wore the rainbow shirt to the World Cup. My brother was healthy. He told me he received death threats. I do not believe my brother just died. I believe he was killed.”

Soccer finalists include Argentina, Croatia, France, and Morocco

The World Cup semi-finals will take place this week, with the final competition scheduled for this coming Lord’s Day.

The four finalists are Argentina, Croatia, France, and Morocco. The winner for the 2018 World Cup was France, and before that, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. 

Did COVID-shot cause deaths of 1,080 athletes since 2021? has collected a total of 1,080 stories of athletes who have died since 2021 up through November of 2022 — with another 45 reported deaths in November.

After the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland studied documents from international data banks between 1966 and 2004, it found an average of 29 athletes died per year, all of whom were under 35 years of age.  

That’s a 30-fold increase of these sudden deaths stories since the COVID vaccine was produced.

Popular science has yet to find a link between the vaccine and the perceived increase in sudden deaths. 

COVID-shot side effects

Here’s some hard data from the COVID shot, from a reputable polling organization.

Rasmussen surveyed 1,000 adults, and reports that 41% of those who received the shot suffered at least a minor side effect, and 7% experienced a major side effect.

Politics informs people’s COVID perspective

Also, politics appears to have biased opinions. The poll found that 80% of Democrats said the vaccines were very or somewhat effective, but only 40% of Republicans said the same.

However, there were almost no differences between the reporting of major and minor side effects between those who identified as Democrats and those identified as Republicans.

Head pollster Mark Mitchell said this in a summary video

MITCHELL: “The biggest difference, without a doubt, is in the party numbers. Now, I just want you to take a moment to appreciate the insanity here. The COVID pandemic was so politicized, that literally the tribal party group you belong to is essentially what dictates your views on the effectiveness of a vaccine.”

Minor adverse reactions to the flu shot appear in 30% of those studied, with zero incidences of serious adverse reactions. 

Massive midwestern snowstorm

The Sovereign God, Who rules over all nature, has sent a massive snowstorm down through the midwestern states last night into this morning, reports Fox News.  

States effected include Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana

Americans becoming less productive

U.S. labor productivity, or the output per hour of work, has declined for the third quarter in a row, making for the worst decline since 1947, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  It’s a serious downturn in the economy.

Four of the last five quarters have gone negative, after some 28 quarters in the positive. Fox Business commented that workers are burned out, and “Gen X and Gen Z workers lack some of the institutional knowledge as older workers, but they are also less willing to put in the long hours their Boomer managers might expect.”

Proverbs 10:4 says, “He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”

Johnny Cash movie did poorly in the theaters

And finally, the documentary film, “Johnny Cash: The Redemption of An American Icon, grossed only $850,000 at the box office last week. Just  80,000 people bought tickets to watch the story of the musician’s conversion on the big screen.

That’s a big contrast to the other Christian or pro-life films released this year. “Lifemark” grossed $5.1 million. “I Heard the Bells,” a telling of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous Christian poem, has grossed $4 million. “Running the Bases” has yielded $1.5 million at the box office.  

However, none of these have touched the success of the Kendrick Brothers Productions. “War Room” grossed $68 million and “Courageous” made $34 million. 


And that’s The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, December 13th in the year of our Lord 2022. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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TX legislator: Social media as deadly as cigarettes for kids

Republican Texas State Rep. Jared Patterson has sponsored a bill that would ban any child under 18 years of age from accessing social media.

The Republican calls social media the pre-1964 cigarette.

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