It’s Wednesday, September 8th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Jonathan Clark

Chinese Communists prohibits churches from remembering martyrs

The Bitter Winter Magazine reports that China recently required state-authorized churches to celebrate the 76th anniversary of China’s victory over Japan during World War II.

Officials told churches to submit text, video, or photo evidence of their participation.

Not only does China require churches to commemorate deceased communist soldiers, it also prohibits churches from commemorating Christian martyrs or those killed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Thousands of British Christians march for life

Over the weekend, thousands of people in the United Kingdom joined the March for Life for the first time in person since 2019.

The slogan for this year’s march was “Life at conception, no exceptions.”

The crowd was dominated by young people, as more and more youth are joining the movement.

Poland in hot water for opposing homosexuality

The European Union is seeking to punish  Poland for opposing sexually perverted lifestyles.

Nearly a third of Poland’s municipalities have declared themselves “free of LGBTQ ideology” to prevent homosexual parades in their jurisdiction.

In response, the European Commission is trying to block Poland from getting $150 million in COVID-19 pandemic recovery aid.

Taliban blocking Americans from flying out of Afghanistan

Texas Republican Rep. Mike McCaul told Fox News on Sunday that the Taliban is blocking Americans from flying out of Afghanistan while making demands of the U.S. government.

MCCAUL: “We have hundreds of American citizens left behind enemy lines in Afghanistan as I speak. Also, very sadly, the interpreters, who worked with our special forces, almost all of them were left behind. And were not letting the gates at the Hamid Karzai International Airport to get out. And that was a promise that the President made.”

McCaul said zero Americans have gotten out of Afghanistan since the U.S. military withdrawal and that now the U.S. faces the desperate situation of having to negotiate with the Taliban.

CA churches win settlements over COVID Tyranny

Churches in California are beginning to win big settlements with the state over religious freedom violations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As previously reported, Grace Community Church, led by Pastor John MacArthur, won an $800,000 settlement last week.

Cross Culture Christian Center and the Cornerstone Church of Fresno also won a $500,000 settlement last week. The two Christian plaintiffs filed one of the first federal lawsuits against California’s COVID-19 restrictions on worship services.

Tennessee legislators object to gun control measures

Over 40 members of the Tennessee legislature have signed a letter, calling on Republican Gov. Bill Lee to resist two proposed rules from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

The letter released yesterday states the new ATF rulings present a “looming threat to our God-given rights," and that the “creation of law by agency regulation sets a dangerous and unlawful precedent.”

One of the ATF rules would create a mandatory national gun registry in violation of federal law. The other rule would bring many AR-15 pistols under the National Firearms Act, making millions of Americans felons.

Isaiah 10:1 says, “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune, which they have prescribed.”

More female college students than men

The National Student Clearinghouse reports that men are trailing women in college participation by record numbers.

At the end of the ‘20-‘21 academic year, women represented 59.5% of college students, while men represented 40.5%.

Overall, U.S. colleges have 1.5 million fewer students now compared with five years ago. Men account for 71% of the decline.

If trends continue, two women will earn a degree for every man in the next few years.

Christian nature documentary series debuts

And finally, the producers of The Riot and the Dance are partnering with Angel Studios to put out a Christian nature documentary series.

Dr. Gordon Wilson, a scientist, a devout Christian, and the host, told The Christian Post, “Working on ‘The Riot and The Dance’ is more than a dream come true. For a scientist and animal lover, there’s nothing like adventuring in the field. And now, thanks to our fantastic production crew, I can bring millions of families along for the ride, celebrating creation and the Artist behind every fantastic critter.”

You can support the project and watch the show’s pilot episode through a link our transcript today at

Nehemiah 9:6 says, “You alone are the LORD; You have made Heaven, the Heaven of Heavens, with all their host, the Earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The host of Heaven worships You.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, September 8th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.