It’s Tuesday, October 26th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Kevin Swanson

Sudan’s military coup

International unrest continues around the world. Already this year, a military coup in Myanmar and a high-level assassination in Haiti have introduced serious destabilization.

And now this. Under the leadership of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudan’s military has staged a military coup, arresting Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, and dissolving the transitional citizen-government.

This savage, military-run regime has been responsible for five genocides since 2003, resulting in the deaths of one to four million people.

Brad Phillips, President of the Sudan-focused Persecution Project, reports, “Another historic popular uprising sponsored by the Sudan Professional Association and led by thousands of courageous protestors -- mostly young people -- is unfolding on the streets of Khartoum and Omdurman.

“Vice President Hemeti Dagolo, founder of the notorious Janjaweed, has deployed more than 200 armored vehicles in support of Al Burhan’s military crackdown, closing airports, roads, and bridges to stop all traffic and obstruct efforts by the opposition.”

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while, I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.  I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:6-7)

North Korea’s food shortage could impact millions

North Korea is facing a food shortage, according to a recent UN report — coming up 860,000 tons short this year.

The lack of food could impact millions.  The problem has been exacerbated by a trade blockade — international pressure imposed on the rogue nation for its ongoing nuclear arms development.

Last Tuesday, the North Korean military launched a nuclear missile test, intended for use on a submarine. The missile travelled for 360 miles.

300 acts of violence against Christians in India this year

And now, the nation of Gandhi has turned violent. India is turning into one of the most brutal and unsafe countries for Christians, reports the Christian Post.

The United Christian Forum documents that in 2021 there have already been 300 acts of violence unleashed on Christians in 21 different states.  If this trend continues, 2021 will likely surpass the highest number of Christian persecution incidents documented in a single year.

This rate is about twice the average 300 per year incidents witnessed since Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party rose to power.

61% of Americans paid no federal taxes in 2020

The Tax Policy Center reports that 61% of Americans paid no federal taxes in 2020.  That’s largely due to the stimulus checks and unemployment compensation last year.

Effectively, no households making less than about $28,000 will pay federal income tax this year, nor will three-quarters of those making between $28,000 and $55,000. Among middle-income households, about 43 percent will pay no federal income tax.

American home values dropped for three months

Is the housing bubble bursting now?

The median price of homes in America has dropped to $352,800, marking a three-month decline in the metric, reports

The median home price increased from $270,000 to $360,000 between January of 2020 and July of 2021.

8.4 million Americans unemployed vs. 10 million job openings

Americans are not going back to work.

The Labor Rate Participation rate still lags around 61.5%, well below the 63.4% pre-COVID level.  That’s three million people still not working in America.

There are an estimated 8.4 million unemployed in the U.S., and over 10 million job openings not yet filled. And workers are quitting their jobs at the fastest rate in history.  In August, 4.3 million quit their jobs.

College student loans skyrocket to $1.73 trillion

The aggregate college student loan programs have now topped $1.73 trillion, reports  That’s a whopping 8% of the Gross Domestic Product, up from 2.8% of the GDP in 2003.

A staggering 43 million Americans are now saddled by college debt.

China is now discouraging abortion

China’s birth rate is in rapid decline.

Chinese mothers gave birth to just 12 million babies in 2020 – down from 14.65 million babies in 2019.  The fertility rate is 1.3.

Now, the communist country that once forced about 300 million abortions is discouraging abortion. In September the Chinese State council announced plans to “reduce the rate of abortions needed for non-medical reasons,” reports Voice of America News.

China’s fertility rate is about the lowest in the world, competing with Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico, and the Ukraine.  Nations still exceeding the replacement rate include Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Israel, the Philippines, most of Africa, Muslim countries, and half of South America.

The United States’ fertility rate is estimated now at 1.5, falling off from 1.7 during the COVID year.

America imports $635 billion of Chinese goods

And finally, the U.S. now imports “a staggering” $635 billion of Chinese goods. That’s 27% of the total U.S. manufacturing Gross Domestic Product, reports the Asia Times.

China’s exports rose 28% in September over the previous year, more than the analysts’ consensus had forecast. More importantly, China’s exports to the United States have risen by 31% since January 2018. That’s when President Trump imposed tariffs on a wide range of U.S. imports from China.

Meanwhile, total U.S. exports in July of 2021 were almost identical to its total exports shipped in July of 2019.

Be encouraged by Deuteronomy 7:12-15. It says, “Then it shall come to pass, because you listen to these judgments, the Lord your God will bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, October 26th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.