It’s Tuesday, July 28th, A.D. 2020. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Kevin Swanson

Nigerian Muslims execute three Christians

Three men identified as Christians were executed by Muslim Boko Haram Jihadists in Nigeria, Africa, reports the New York Times.

The execution was recorded on video.The video was posted on Youtube. However, it has since been removed, reports Morning Star News.

Chinese Communists destroy home of 67-year-old Christian woman

(audio of Chinese woman)

That’s the voice of a 67-year-old Chinese Christian woman trying to protect her home from being destroyed at the hands of the communist agents.

Chinese government agents are destroying the homes of Christians, after demolishing their church in Fujian province last month.  Four agencies, and a total of 100 officers, destroyed the church meeting place back on June 11th.

Chief Justice joins liberals on Supreme Court -- AGAIN

U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts did it again.

He joined the liberal four on the High Court to further regulate church gatherings in Nevada.

Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley brought the suit against the Nevada Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak claiming preferential treatment under the COVID-19 rules — allowing casinos to operate at 50% capacity, but limiting church services to 50 people.

On Twitter, Senator Ted Cruz accused Roberts of “abandoning his oath,” and suggested that the church set up Craps Tables in the meeting halls.

Jesus told His disciples, “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.” (John 16:1-3)

Christian adoptive parents forced to flee China

A member of Early Rain Church in China has had to escape the country for Taiwan, after Communist officials started to threaten the children of the Christian families, reports the Christian Post.

Liao Qiang told International Christian Concern that “they not only threatened us, normal adult, normal church members, but they threatened our children. . .also. [The Chinese Communist Party] forcibly sent our adoptive children back to the original family. That is the main reason why we fled China. Because we can't guarantee our adopted child would not be taken away by them. . .  we must flee China, because our children are most important to us.“

Early Rain Church’s pastor Wang Yi was sentenced to nine years in a Chinese prison.

COVID-19 has slowed Worldview Bahamas Rebuild Project

The Bahamas Rebuild Project, after Hurricane Dorian, has slowed down since COVID-19 hit the islands.  American teams have been prevented from helping with the project since March.

The Worldview checked in with Pastor Norris Bain of Victory Baptist Church in Freeport on the status of the rebuild.

BAIN: "The rebuilding process was going extremely well especially with people like Pastor Kevin Swanson and his team that came in and was able to impact so many lives in terms of fixing up roofs, hanging up drywall, plastering, and we were certainly looking for more to be done as we were well on our way; Pastor Kevin and us and getting a lot more done.  Until, we thought Dorian was bad; but COVID-19 just seems to be another animal.

“As I speak to you right now, we're in a 14-day curfew.  We can be out to go to the stores from 7 am in the morning until 5 pm and then we have to get back in the house.   That's put a halt on the rebuilding efforts as well, although the government has encouraged those who are rebuilding from Hurricane Dorian to continue to do it, exercising all the social protocol."

U.S. anarchy on the rise

Anarchy is still on the rise in cities across America.

Seattle police report 59 officers injured in clashes with rioters and anarchical bands over the weekend.  47 rioters were arrested.

Other violent exchanges occurred in Austin, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; and Oakland, California as well.  A protestor was shot in protests in Colorado, and at least one interstate was shut down by protesters.

2 Samuel 23 reminds us, “The sons of rebellion shall all be as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands. . . And they shall be utterly burned with fire in their place.”

U.S. COVID death rate less than half today than April peak

America’s 7-day rolling average for COVID-19 deaths stands at 937 per day, down from a peak of 2,254 back in April.

The lowest death rate per capita occur in Hawaii, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Maine, and Vermont.

The highest death rate per capita remain New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Michigan, and Illinois. New York’s death rate was 100 times that of Hawaii.

Only 35% of churches are requiring face masks

A recent Lifeway survey found that over 70% of US churches are now holding in-person services.

However, 60% of these churches are recommending masks, and only 35% are requiring masks.

 Only 9% of Americans reads Bible daily

And finally, an American Bible Society survey found there has been an aggressive turning away from the Word of God among US Christians in the last six years.  Now, only 9% of U.S. adults read the Bible daily, down from 15% in 2014.

Yet, surprisingly, the Millennials or the Gen-Z generation (born between 1980 and 1994) were more likely to read the Bible than the older generation. 43.3% of Gen Zers read the Bible on a regular basis, compared to 35.5% for the Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), and 28% for the Silent Generation (born between 1925 and 1945).


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Tuesday, July 28th, in the year of our Lord 2020. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

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U.S.-China tensions grow

U.S.-China tensions continue to increase, after the Trump Administration announced sanctions against China last week, reports the New York Times.

The sanctions were assigned in response to increased human rights abuses in Tibet and the Uighur Ethnic Minorities, as well as the recent Hong Kong power grab. Yesterday, Beijing responded with sanctions against Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Smith, and ambassador for religious freedom Sam Brownback.

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