It’s Wednesday, October 20th, A.D. 2021. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ([email protected])

By Jonathan Clark

Myanmar military burning more Christian villages

Myanmar’s military continues to burn villages and churches in the Christian-majority Chin State.

The military in the southeast Asian nation burned at least eight homes and the church building in Rialti village on Wednesday. Residents fled and had to watch their entire village go up in flames. On Saturday, soldiers also burned down the church building in New Thlanrawn village along with 13 homes. Many in the area are fleeing the country for Mizoram, a Christian-majority state in India.

Since the military seized power in a coup back in February, it has targeted Christian areas in the country.

Matthew 19:29 says, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.”

350 people rescued from Afghanistan

A flight with over 350 evacuees left the Kabul airport in Afghanistan on Sunday.

It’s the ninth evacuation flight since the U.S. military left the country. Many are trying to escape the country as the Taliban brings back a repressive regime.

The flight included citizens from Afghanistan, the U.S., the Netherlands, Denmark, and Australia. Many of the people on the flight were from the American University of Afghanistan.

COVID police arrested Canadian pastor & shut down church

Canadian police arrested a pastor and shut down his church on Sunday for violating COVID-19 restrictions.

Pastor Cody Butler at His Tabernacle Family Church was leading a Thanksgiving service. Officials said the church had too many people in attendance. The church faces fines of over $20,000.

To reopen, the government told the church it must enforce proof of vaccination on members. Otherwise, the church must operate at 50% capacity, require masks and social distancing, and prohibit singing.

Texas legislature protects women’s sports

The Texas House of Representatives passed a bill that bans men, pretending to be women, from competing in women’s sports.

The bill just needs a procedural approval from the state Senate before it heads to Republican Governor Greg Abbott.

If passed, Texas would join seven other states that have passed similar legislation. Republican lawmakers have introduced such legislation in 32 states this year.

Biden to Supreme Court: Block Texas Heartbeat Law

On Monday, the Biden administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block enforcement of the Texas Heartbeat Act which protects babies in the womb if a heartbeat is detected.  That typically occurs at the 6th week of pregnancy.

The high court agreed to fast-track a decision on the Texas abortion ban.

The move comes after the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Biden administration's request to block the anti-abortion law.

The Texas law went into effect on September 1 and bans the killing of unborn babies with detectable heartbeats. So far, an estimated 3,000 babies have been saved from abortion under the law.

Southwest Airlines withdraws mandated COVID-shot

Southwest Airlines dropped its plan to put employees on unpaid leave if they did not get a COVID shot by December 8.

The airline said, “If an accommodation has not been reviewed or approved by December 8, the Employee will continue to work, while following all COVID mask and distancing guidelines applicable to their position, until the accommodation has been processed.”

Delta Airlines: The ONLY airline not to mandate COVID shot

Delta Air Lines remains the only U.S. carrier to not mandate a COVID shot. Delta CEO Ed Bastian  told Fox News they would not be requiring their employees to get a shot.

BASTIAN: “By the time we're done, we'll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company, without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate. You know, we're proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions, and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs.”

However, employees who don’t get a COVID shot will pay more on company health insurance.

50% of “Christians” are not practicing Christians

And finally, a new report from the American Bible Society found over half of self-identified Christians in every church tradition are not practicing Christians.

The report defines practicing Christians as those who identify as Christians, attend church at least once a month, and believe their faith is very important in their life.

The church tradition with the highest percentage of practicing Christians is evangelicalism at 42%. Roman Catholics had the lowest rate of practicing Christians at 22%.

James 1:22 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”


And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, October 20th, in the year of our Lord 2021. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ([email protected]). And, here with the close, is Honor, my eldest child, who just celebrated his 12th birthday yesterday.  Seize the day for Jesus Christ.